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That would depend on local codes as sometimes the public sewer line is considered to be practical to hook into so they give you a varience

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Q: Can a township impose a fine for failure to connect to the sewer?
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Mission adapter

How do basement toilets flush?

Either they are on a separate sewer line and connect to the main sewer line later on or they sewerage is pumped by means of a machine into the main sewer line.

What is a compression flange?

A compression flange is used to connect a toilet to the sewer line.

What does the PVC pipe under a bathroom sink connect to inside the wall?

It will connect to the PVC pipe into the wall which ultimately will connect into the main sewer line outside.

Should you connect hot water discharge to drain?

Depends on how hot as the EP has their own rules to prevent possible sewer piping to crack or scalding sewer workers

What a water or sewer main?

A water or sewer main is as it sounds ,It is the main feed line that runs underground usually along side a street or easement from your house or place of business to connect you to these utilities.

Can you hook a water drain pipe to a 3'' sewer pipe and it be safe?

If you are talking about a roof water drain pipe to sewer it is illegal. If you are talking about a sink drain pipe well that is where they all connect to so yea.

How do you tie water softner into septic line?

You must first connect a 1/2 inch PVC pipe to the outlet for the regeneration fitting on the softner and run this pipe outside and trench to the sewer drain and tie into sewer drain. The sewer drain will then flow the brine regenerater fluid to the septic tank.

What is a sewer system?

A sewer system is the sewer or the sysyem of the sewer.

Can you connect a sump pump to a main sewer line?

Yes this can be done, however, it is advised that you consulte with your local council or municipality regarding by laws.

What does a sewer contractor do?

"A sewer contractor works in the sewer system.

Can a landlord in Pennsylvania make tenants pay for the new sewer hookup that the township is requiring them to install?

YES. I believe so, according to the lease agreement article 4 of paragraph 8 sub title 3A ,B and C