

Best Answer

I think it depends on which bc we are talking about but bc is a right that you have, even as a teen, so ask Planned Parenthood in you area:

Planned Parenthood 1-800-230-PLAN

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Q: Can a teen get birth control without parental consent on Georgia?
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When can you move out in Georgia?

In Georgia, a minor can move out at age 17 without parental consent. At age 18, individuals are considered legal adults and can move out without any restrictions.

Can an 18 year old marry a 17 year old in Georgia without parental consent?

No, in Georgia, individuals under the age of 18 cannot marry without parental consent. Both parties must be at least 18 years old to marry without parental consent.

Can you get married at seventeen in Georgia if you've moved out?

Not without parental consent.

Can a minor get birth control without parental consent?

It depends on where you live, but most states have clinics that will prescribe birth control pills to minors without parental consent.

Can you get married without parental consent in Georgia if you are 15 years old and pregnant?

No. Even with parental consent you couldn't do it. In order to marry in GA a minor must be at least 16 and have parental consent.

Where is birth control available without parental consent?

Birth control is available in all 50 states without parental consents.

Do you have to have parental consent in Georgia if you have a child and you are 16?

Parental consent to do what? Having a child does not emancipate you--you are still a minor and therefore under the control of your parents. However, you (not your parents) do have parental rights over your own child.

Can a 17 pregnant girl get married in the state Georgia without parental consent?


Can a Alabama pregnant 16 year old without parental consent go to Georgia and marry a 16 year old with parental consent?

no she cant

Can you be 16 and married without a parental consent in Arkansas?

No. But you can get married at 18 without needing parental consent.

Can a 15 year old get married without parents permission in the state of Georgia if she has a child?

No. You are not allowed to get married below 16 even with parental consent. Without parental consent you have to wait until you are 18.

How Old Do you have to be to move out in Georgia without parental consent?

18, unless you've been emancipated.