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The IRS uses tacit consent to determine if a taxpayer should remain on the tax return or not. Tacit consent is when you approve of something, but don't say so out loud. The IRS will use past actions to determine if you gave tacit consent for the tax return. For example for the last 10 years you have filed jointly with your spouse, in year eleven, the return was filed jointly and it is audited and there is a balance due. You protest the return and state that you never consented to the return. The fact that you filed the previous years, and there was no issue until there was an audit means you have your tacit consent for the return.

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10y ago
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13y ago

'Forgery' is a crime. In order to have a 'crime,' the act of signing the spouse's name to the return must have been done with criminal intent. IF sufficient probable cause can be developed that criminal intent existed when they signed their spouse's name, THEN and only then, could they be charged with forgery.

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16y ago

Yes If You have A Joint Bank Account i guess

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14y ago

Forgery by definition is illegal. You would need power of attorney to sign for your spouse in most jurisdictions. The fact that you refer to it as forgery implies that it is.

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Q: Can a spouse forge the other spouse signature on income tax returns?
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Is someone guilty if they forge a physicians signature on a school document?

yes, your guilty if you forge any signature. But it depends on what it was for if you will get into a lot of trouble. yes, your guilty if you forge any signature. But it depends on what it was for if you will get into a lot of trouble.

Can you legally forge someone's signature?

No. The word "forge" specifically indicates the illegal misrepresentation of oneself.

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No. Forging a signature is a crime.

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To forge the insured's signature is a criminal offense and the Agent's License, if reported, is liable for cancellation.

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Not if you are both on Title unless they forge your name.

What happens when you forge a signature?

you go to jail for two years

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murder and forge signature life insurance policy

How do you use the word forge in a sentence?

"I didn't forge my mother's signature" OR "The Blacksmith forged a red hot sword with his thick hammer and heavy black anvil"

Can a spouse forge your signature on a vehicle title that is only in your name and sell said vehicle?

No, it is illegal for a spouse to forge your signature on a vehicle title that is solely in your name and sell the vehicle without your consent. This is considered forgery and fraud, and you have legal recourse against such actions. You should report this matter to the authorities and seek legal advice to protect your rights and ownership of the vehicle.

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Is it a federal crime to forge a signature to a legal document?

It's illegal to forge anyone's signature on any kind of document.

Is a police officer allowed to forge another police officers signature?

No they may not "forge" another officers signature but oftentimes one officer will affix a facsimile signature to a report (followed by his own initials) indicating that the other officer was either present, or had personal knowledge of, whatever the document alleges.However, they may not sign the name of another officer to any "sworn" document.