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That's the million dollar question. There's no way to do so right now. We don't have a solution because we don't even understand where the problem stems from. There are many hypothesis on how a serial killer is a serial killer, but none of them can give us a 100% insight to how they became who they became. Many serial killers have loads of things in common, like living in a dysnfuctional home and suffering head trauma as children. But we still can't find the problem. Until we know what the problem is, we cannot solve it.

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Most researchers agree that there is no way to "cure" a serial killer.

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Sometimes. It depends if it is an illness, it may not be.

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I don't think they need to see anyone because they could '''kill''' '''their''' '''therapist''' '''or''' '''kill''' '''themselves''' '''than''' '''''take''''' '''''therapy'''''.

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