Not without a license to do so. Being a repo man does not grant the authority to do that.
Anyone who meets the basic federal guidelines and state requirements where they live can carry a gun. If the debtor (the one that he's trying to get the car from) sees the gun prior to the car being repossessed and it was not because the repo man was defending himself, it makes the repossession unlawful. Carrying the gun wouldn't be unlawful but it makes the repo unlawful. It is called undue duress. Judges LOVE making repo companies and lenders pay big for such violations of the FDCPA. If you carry, get a concealed carry permit and carry it concealed. Added: The poster who answered this question is wrong. Florida statute 463.6115 prohibits any person who is licensed as a Repossession agent from carrying a weapon.
The Production Budget for Repo Man was $1,500,000.
Repo Man was released on 03/02/1984.
repo is taking somthing away like the repo man in the new movie repo! the genetic opera theres an organ repo man who takes away peoples organs
A repossession can be executed anyplace or time that a person holding the repossession order sees the vehicle in question, as long as the repo man does not violate the law in doing so. That said, Florida law does not restrict repossession according to location.
Repo Man was released on 03/02/1984.
The Production Budget for Repo Man was $1,500,000.
A repo man cannot physically touch you. If you hit the repo man, he can defend himself. Strength, good physical fitness, and an ability to communicate well are assets to the role of a repo man.
yes you can repo tools like tractors.
what do i have to do to become a repo man in Michigan
Repo Man grossed $2,300,000 worldwide.