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Yes if there was a lien on it. If your bankruptcy was discharged, it simply discharged the debt, not the collateral.

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Q: Can a repo company come repo a mower 1 year after your bankruptcy?
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Can you sue the repo man if he takes the truck after you filed bankruptcy?

(A): "Can you sue the repo man if he takes your truck after you filed bankruptcy?" (B): The answer is "No". The truck is the property of the dealer, or finance company, until your final payment to them is made, and the receiver in bankruptcy may not seize property of which title belongs to a second party (dealer or finance company). Chris

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What if your car got reposed and you filed bankruptcy do i have to pay storage charges to the repo company?

Typically, when a car is reposed the financing company is responsible for all fees incurred in repossessing your vehicle. If you added the reposed vehicle in your bankruptcy and it was discharged with your other debts, you owe nothing to the bank or any of its' subcontractors. It is the financing company's responsibility only to pay its clients. If the repo. company is harassing you for the storage charges they are out of line. They must seek restitution from the financing company only. If they continue to call and pursue, call your local attorney general and state government banking association to file a complaint against the repo company and the bank. After a bankruptcy is discharged it is illegal for a creditor to call you for any financial restitution of a federally discharged debt.

Does having a car in repo effect filing for bankruptcy?

No - having had a car that was re-possessed will not affect the filing of a Bankruptcy.

What are the laws regarding reposition after bankruptcy?

can they send a police to my house to repo my car? can they send a police to my house to repo my car?

If your son bought an ATV and you cosigned for him and then filed bankruptcy and your son is behind on payments can the repo man come to your home every 48 hours after you told him your son moved out?

As cosigner on the loan you are equally responsible for for payment on the loan. If the lender has hired a repo company to take back the ATV for non payment, then the repo company is going to do everything possible to get it. That includes the frequent visits to your home in an effort to locate the ATV. If you want the repo man off your back, tell him where to find what he is looking for....or contact the lender and bring the loan payments current immediately.

Can they repo your car if there is a open chapter 7 bankruptcy?

NO collection activity may occur legally during bankruptcy proceedings.

Can a repossesion company get a boat after bankruptcy has been filed on it?

The creditor can repossess the boat, after it files a motion for relief from stay that is allowed or you have agreed to surrender the boat to the creditor. The repo company is only acting as an agent for the creditor.You do not file bankruptcy "on" anything. You file bankruptcy to have your debts discharged if they are dischargeable. If you have intentionally omitted other creditors, your petition or discharge could be denied.

How do you get your personal items out of your repo?

Call the repo company.

Is there a statutet of limitation for collecting payment of a reposessed auto?

There are no Statue of limitations on repossession orders given to repo companies. Payments to the finance company can be squashed easily as going into bankruptcy!

When your vehicle was stolen a repo guy came to take it told him it was stolen and filed for bankruptcy and since then 4 yrs have passed you never heard from repo guy again can they still repossess yo?

What exactly are they going to repo,you the vehicle was stolen and you no longer have it right, come on use the thing attached to your kneck.

Can you file for bankruptcy with a repo on your credit?

The fact that you have a repossession on your credit report is not a determining factor of whether your can file for bankruptcy. Generally in bankruptcy you can remove the debts from the repossession of your vehicle.