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Q: Can a property be assigned without court permission if a creditor in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy decides to do something different than foreclose once a Motion for Relief from stay has been granted?
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When you do not include your house in a bankruptcy and then get a loan modification but still cannot pay the monthly payment can the bank take your house if you pay something on it every month?

Yes, if you are not making payments on your home, the bank can foreclose. Even if you are paying something, if you are not paying the amount agreed to in the loan modification or original contract, the bank can foreclose. If bankruptcy is active, they may need permission from the court but if payments are not being made in a timely fashion the court generally grants permission to foreclose. The moral of the story - make your payments or the bank can foreclose!

Is it better or worse for your credit to let the bank foreclose on a mortgage of a second property while facing bankruptcy?

A foreclosure or bankruptcy is never good for your credit, this is something you'd be better off discussing with an attorney. You can avoid foreclosure by filing bankruptcy.

What is the word for Permission to do something?

Permission to do something is to be authorised by an authority in charge.

Does a will supersede bankruptcy?

Different things for different purposes. Death ends bankruptcy. Death does not end debts...debts will be paid before your will is acted on...even if it uses something your will wanted to go to someone else....your debts come first.

If you foreclose on a home can they come after your vehicle?

In general, no. They are two different transactions. The only way something like that could happen is if there is some sort of court litigation going on. Just to be safe, check with an attorney.

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What is a written document giving someone permission to do something called?

A written document giving someone permission to do something is called a "license."

What is the definition of the word consent?

Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

What is the definition of seeking permission?

Asking if you can do something.

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What is a by your leave?

A by your leave is a request for special permission to do something.

What is the difference between may you and can you?

"you may" means that you have permission ( to do something) . "you can" means that you are able (to do something).