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If you are a minor and pregnant that doesn't give emancipation. To be emancipated you need to prove you can support yourself and the baby before a judge. The judge will listen and ask questions to determine income and other factors and grant emancipation or not.

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Not because you are a mom. You have to fill the requirements of living on your own, have an income to pay your bills, have a job etc.

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Q: Can a pregnant girl be emancipated in the state of Virginia?
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Can a teenage girl in Maryland only be emancipated if she is pregnant?

Im only 16 but i do live in Maryland and Im thinking the answer is no.This girl i know was going through all the stuff to get emancipated and she was not pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant with a 23 year old in the state of West Virginia with no proublems?

You could still have problems. Yes even in West Virginia.

A girl sixteen with child does she need consent Tobe married in Virginia?

Yes, she is not emancipated.

Can a 17 year old pregnant girl move out without parental consent?

No, she is not emancipated.

In Washington state can a pregnant 17 year old girl leave home without being emancipated?

In Washington state, a pregnant 17-year-old girl can leave home without being emancipated. However, it is important to note that she may still be subject to certain legal responsibilities and may require parental consent for certain medical procedures.

Can a 16-year-old pregnant girl move out of her parents' home if they don't want her to in New York state?

No, the legal age of majority for the state is 18. A minor who becomes pregnant or has a child is not considered automatically emancipated except in the state of Wisconsin.

Can a girl 16-year-old with a baby be emancipated and move in with her baby daddy and his family in Virginia?

Yes, she could be emancipated, but if the parents give permission (normally required for emancipation anyway) she can move in without being emancipated.

In the state of Florida can a 17 year old pregnant girl choose where she would like to live.?

Here's a place to start your research on emanicipation;%20description

Can a girl move out of her parents house if she is pregnant?

Unless she has reached the age of majority in her state it can only be with parental permission. When pregnant or having a child she is only emancipated regarding the child and her own health, everything else is just like prior to the pregnancy.

Can a sixteen year old pregnant girl emancipate?

Being pregnant is not making you emancipated regardless of your age. if you want to get emancipated before legal age you have to go to court and prove you can take care for yourself and your child financially and in every other way.

What if 26 year old gets a 16 year old girl pregnant in state of Virginia?

depends on the age of consent in that state. your case is va. where im from the age is 16. if not its called RAPE.

How old does a girl have to be to move out of her house with out her parents?

18 without being emancipated. Each state has different laws for how to be emancipated and how early it can be done and under what circumstances.