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If the state of MI entered the warrant into the NCIC computer system, yes he could, and you would undoubtedly be arrested as a fugitive.

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Q: Can a police officer in Colorado see that you have a misdemeanor bench warrant for shoplifting in Michigan?
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If you have a bench warrant in Minnesota for shoplifting misdemeanor what will happen if you get pulled over in Florida?

Minnesota is soo in the Red - financially, nothing will happen to you. as a matter of fact, the Florida officer won't even know of a misdemeanor warrant for you... only felony warrants are national... have fun

Can a Texas police officer arrest you when he pulls you over for having a shoplifting misdeameanor warrant out for your arrest in Florida?

No, a police officer in Texas cannot arrest you solely based on a shoplifting misdemeanor warrant from Florida. Generally, warrants are only valid within the jurisdiction they were issued. However, if the police officer in Texas discovers the warrant during the interaction, they may notify the Florida authorities, who can then take appropriate steps to apprehend you.

What happens when a police officer gives you a misdemeanor?

An officer doesn't "give" you a misdemeanor. They charge you with an offense for a crime that is classified by your state legislature AS a misdemeanor. Meaning it is an offense which, if you are convicted, you could be fined up to $1,000. and/or placed in jail for up to one year.

Can an employee search your coat without your permission?

If you are suspected of shoplifting, yes. They usually have an officer present however.

If someone is on supervised probation for a misdemeanor and leaves Colorado will they be extradited back to Colorado?

No one can answer this question. It depends on what the terms of YOUR probation read. SUPERVISED probation implies that you have to be available or check in periodically. Read the papers, or contact your probation officer. If you violate any requirements you will be VOP'd and probably a warrant issued for your arrest.

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Is resisting an officer a felony in Louisiana

Leaving the scene of an accident charge Can you still become a probation officer?

Depends on if it is felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanor than yes, eventually but with a felony than no.

How much would a Michigan DNR Officer make a year?

The average annual salary in Michigan for a DNR officer is $52,000. The average annual salary for a DNR officer in Alaska is $37,000.

Is jaywalking a misdemeanor?

Yes if the officer believes your actions were a deliberate violation of an existing ordinance.

Can I be a corrections officer with a misdemeanor?

It depends on the state in which you live, but chances are you cannot. It depends what the felony was for.

Can you have a charge and become a parole officer?

Misdemeanor charge yes. Felony charge very doubtful.

What is the statute of limitation for misdemeanor convictions?

former Texas Police Officer. it depends on your individual state