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No. A person cannot marry again until they have obtained a divorce.

No. A person cannot marry again until they have obtained a divorce.

No. A person cannot marry again until they have obtained a divorce.

No. A person cannot marry again until they have obtained a divorce.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

No. A person cannot marry again until they have obtained a divorce.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: Can a person marry again if he is legally separated?
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What does it mean if not living together but still married and not legally separated?

You can't marry again, and it effects how you do your taxes

You separated from your husband six years ago can you marry someone-else?

AnswerUntil you are legally divorced you cannot legally marry someone else.

Can a women marry a man here in the phils if hes legally separated in US?

No. Legally separated does not mean divorced. He must actually be divorced before he is free to marry, unless he is in a place that allows plural marriages.

How do you marry the same person twice?

You can marry the person, then divorce that person, then marry that person again.

Can you get married to a woman if you are still legally married to another woman but separated for 5 years?

No. You must divorce your first wife before you can remarry legally. If you marry again without a divorce, your marriage is invalid and your first wife will be entitled to inherit your property when you die.

Can a married person remarry again as they say they are a pultonic love?

If you are married to someone you cannot marry another without having had an annulment or divorce legally.

Can you marry your girlfriend in between the divorce proceeding?

Its best to finish with your divorce proceedings so you can legally marry again.

If you marry somebody in Mexico can you legally marry somebody else in the US?

Generally no. You cannot legally marry anyone if you are still married to a different person, regardless of where that marriage was performed.

If a person on b-2 tourist visit marry's a man she knows is legally separated but is not divorced what happens?

If he was not divorced, then he is a bigamist and can end up in jail. The marriage would be annulled and declared void.

How did a man legally marry three women in Michigan without divorcing any of them becoming legally separated from them or any of them dying?

He is a justice of the peace, marrying them to other people.

Can you marry in Arizona and marry in California?

In the United States you can only be legally married to one person at a time.

Is it possible for a person to marry a goat?

Some nutcases call animals their wives but it's not legally possible to marry them.