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DNA proof , but if there is verbal contract that he will not be a part of the child's life then that contract is honored.

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Q: Can a person claim an estate money if the name of the possible father name is not on the birth certificate?
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When a life tenant dies the life estate is extinguished. A death certificate should be recorded in the land records.

Can a person get in trouble with the law if a person is on a child s birth certificate who is not the father?

Not necessarily. A person that is on a birth certificate, but is not really the child's father, is just taking responsibility for them. They can't really get into any trouble, legally.

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A lawsuit commenced against a person can continue against his estate after his death. The attorney for the plaintiff's estate should have filed a notice in your father's estate that there is a claim against the estate.

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When a person with a living estate dies, it is important to have several important documents: the deceased person's will, any trusts they may have created, legal identification documents (such as a passport or driver's license), their birth certificate, their social security number, and any financial records (bank statements, investment accounts, etc.). These documents will help facilitate the probate process and ensure that the deceased person's estate is handled in accordance with their wishes.

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Can you legally put someone who is not the father on the birth certificate it the fathers been absent sense birth in Michigan?

No. The birth certificate should show the name of the natural father or the name should be left off the certificate. If you put a name on the certificate and you know that person not to be the father, then you have falsified a public record and in any country in the world, that is a crime.

Im in the process of getting a marriage certificate and the person named as your father on your birth certificate is not your biological father can he still be named on the marriage certificate?

This arises often in the case of adoptive children, foster children, or re-marriages. If you wish to honor your step-father as your "Dad" yes it is okay to do so.

Where is it possible to hire estate planning lawyers?

There are many places where a person can go to hire estate planning lawyers. Sites like mytaxattorney, personalfamilylawyer, and legalmatch all have estate planning lawyers a person can use.

What is a probate certificate?

A probate certificate most likely refers to the documents that a probate court issues to the executor that certifies that the will has been probated and that the particular person is the executor. The purpose of the certificate is to prove to financial institutions that the will has been probated and that the person named executor in the will is the actual executor and has the right to handle the estate. These documents are referred to as Letters Testamentary and usually the court will issue as many copies as the executor needs to handle the estate.

How do you gain power of attorney of your dads estate without a power of attorney?

A power of attorney is executed by a living person who wants to appoint an agent to act for them. If your father is deceased you need to petition the probate court to be appointed the estate representative.A power of attorney is executed by a living person who wants to appoint an agent to act for them. If your father is deceased you need to petition the probate court to be appointed the estate representative.A power of attorney is executed by a living person who wants to appoint an agent to act for them. If your father is deceased you need to petition the probate court to be appointed the estate representative.A power of attorney is executed by a living person who wants to appoint an agent to act for them. If your father is deceased you need to petition the probate court to be appointed the estate representative.

What is the point of an estate tax credit?

Estate tax credit has to do with the amount of property that is taxable from a deceased person, and/or with any other possible transference of property.

Do you have to married for the non biological father to sign child's birth certificate in Texas?

Except in an adoption, there is no such person as a "non biological father." The only man who should be signing a birth certificate is the child's biological father. Any other man who signs it is making an illegal statement.