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Written contracts cannot be verbally changed. A contract can be enforced if only one person signs it, particularly against the ones that signed it.

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Q: Can a person be held to a contract when only one party signed the contract and can the contract be changed verbally without notice?
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If you choose to take a trip then half way they decide to change it can you say this is a breach of contract?

If you check your contract, it most likely says that the trip can be changed by the company without notice.

Meaning of without prior notice?

Without any manadotry information or notice. for eg. price may be changed due to any avoidable reasons.

Can your manager change your work hours without verbally informing you?

Yes, is the short answer. The manager can put a roster notice on a board with changed work hours on it, without telling you verbally. There are also many other ways of notifying you. It is usually reasonable for a manager to change work hours to suit the organization. Usually the manager in the interests of a happy workforce will try to fit in with workers' preferences but it is not always possible. Similarly, the manager may notify you in various ways. By letter, by a roster notice on a board, by email, by a message left on your phone or voicemail or to someone at your home. If the manager has given you enough notice of the change then there is probably not a lot you can do about it. If you did not get a verbal notice but you did get another notice which you didn't know about, then there is a problem with communication that you have to sort out with your manager.

W-4 being changed by employer without notice to employee?

my employer changed my exemptions without my permission and when I asked for a copy of my w4 they had wrote in numbers that I did not put in. Where do I turn for help ?

Can one party unilaterally extend a contract without advise the first party?

There would be no meeting of the minds. And the first party would not know they had an obligation without notice.

If a contract doesn't include time is of the essence clause how and when can that contract be changed to time is of the essence?

Serve a notice to complete on the other side, stating that time is of the essence, clearly indicating the time, date, place, etc for completion/ performance of the contract

Can an employer cut an employee pay without notice?

Unless the employee is protected by an Union Contract, yes, the employer can change employee compensation at will.

What type of notice needs to be given before repossession of a vehicle?

Actually a company can reposses your vehicle without notice. When the terms of a finance contract is broken the company has all rightd at that time. They are under no obligation to notify you.

Is it legal to give a tenant one months notice with a year contract?

It is if the contract allows that.

Notice of Contract Termination?

Get StartedThe Notice of Contract Termination is a letter sent by one contracting party to the other party to terminate the contract and provide the effective date of the termination.This program provides two options for reasons to terminate the contract. Under the first option, the contract is terminated by relying on a specific provision in the contract that permits termination (generally after providing the advance written notice to the other party) without cause, that is, even without any default in performance by the other party.Second, the contract may be terminated because one of the parties defaulted on the contract. To default means to fail to perform a duty or obligation imposed by the terms of the contract. If one party to the contract defaults, then the other party must usually provide notice of the default and provide a reasonable time within which the defaulting party can cure the default. The contract may specify what is the minimum cure period. If, after the specified time, the defaulting party has failed to cure the default, then the non-defaulting party may wish to terminate the contract or pursue other legal remedies. Consult an attorney before pursuing other remedies.

How much salary we get without notice period?

depends clearly on your contract or offer letter. General industry standards mention 15 - 30 days of work.

Can your insurance carrier raise your deductible without your knowledge?

No, they must inform you of changes to the insurance contract. However, if they sent notice, they will usually have file information on when and where sent.