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Depends upon the state laws, they might also find themselves in civil court for wrongful death.

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Q: Can a person be charged with manslaughter for causing a miscarriage in an automobile accident?
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Can you get arressed for causing an accidental miscarriage?

haha no.

In Queensland if a car hits a motorbike after he sees it Is this attepted manslaughter?

No because there is no such thing as attempted manslaughter. Manslaughter implies that the killing of a person happened as a result of an accident assault or other reason without the intention of causing death. for something like that you would be charged with something like assault with a deadly weapon wit intention to do grievous bodily harm. Attempting to kill some one comes under attempted murder.

What gland causes a miscarriage?

There is no specific gland causing this.

Can the DMV revoke license for vehicular manslaughter?

Yes, manslaughter is a finding for causing a criminally negligent death. For that, your driving privileges probably should be suspended or revoked for at least a certain length of time.

What are the similarities among homicide manslaughter and murder?

Both acts are intentional in some way or another. Voluntary manslaughter is the charge usually applied when the perp was provoked by the victim.Added: Both charges arise from causing someone's death.

What is the legal term for causing death by being careless with another's life?

Jurisdictions vary. Manslaughter is often used. -firstmate-

Can you sue a jaywalker for causing an accident?


What are Ohio laws for causing an accident without a drivers license?

Most laws are to punish you for driving while not licensed, not specifically for causing accident. That would be a separate issue.

What sentence is given if convicted of driving under the influence of marijuana causing death?

maybe vehicular manslaughter? it depends on the small details of the case.

What happens if the placenta bleeds first trimester of pregnancy?

It might separate from the wall of the uterus causing a miscarriage.