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The penny might ... but you won't.


I think what the first responder was trying to say is that the penny under the tongue doesn't impact a breathalyzer's response.

The breathalyzer measures the amount of ethanol in the breath and then uses the laws of thermodynamics to convert that measurement into an estimate of your blood alcohol concentration.

Most attempts at thwarting breathalyzers have focused on altering the measurement of ethanol in the breath. Activated charcoal, burnt toast, etc. have been put forth as feasible though impractical means of absorbing some of the alcohol in the breath. The quantity of ethanol that could be adsorbed on the copper surface of a penny is negligible relative to the amount of ethanol in a breathalyzer sample and the equilibrium adsorption would not be reached in any event.

A better way, in our opinion (and a way that hasn't been mythbusted), is to lower the temperature of the breath. Since the amount of alcohol in the breath is exponentially dependent on the temperature of the breath, small changes in breath temperature can have a big impact on the alcohol evaporating into the breath from the blood.

This is probably why Wikipedia reports a study in which hyperventilating reduced Breathalyzer estimates of BAC by 22%. We reason that hyperventilating with ice in your mouth is likely to be even more effective, though we haven't tested it.

Be sure to check out the related links; we've gone into more detail on them.
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Q: Can a penny under your tongue pass a breathalyzer test?
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breathalyzers measure the amount of alcohol in your system you gronk! not how much dope you've smoked. Are you retared?