The duration of The Parole Officer is 1.55 hours.
The Parole Officer was created on 2001-08-10.
The salary of a parole officer will vary depending on experience and where they are employed. The average parole officer salary is $52,343 per year.
Parole curfews last for the length of the parole or until it is lifted by the Parole Officer.
To become a parole officer you need a degree in either psychology, criminology or sociology.
That's up to your parole officer and the parole hearing officer.
You don't. A parole officer is not a law enforcement officer. The parole officer is a supervising agent. If you have evidence that someone on parole or off has committed a crime of any type, contact law enforcement, give the evidence you have to them, and let the system take care of it.
Yes, a parole officer has full restrictive and disciplinary power over the parolees under his supervision.
I suggest you get an attorney. You need to talk to your parole officer. You should know what the penalty is for violating your parole is. Your lawyer or parole officer will be able to tell you.
When you do report to your parole officer, he'll arrest you.
Not without permission from your parole officer.