If they are old enough to write and understand what they are doing, they can sign their own return. If not, the parent should sign the parent's name and write underneath it "as parent of minor child."
No they can not.
Not sure, but this will require court approval, form or no form.
First, you need permission of the other parent, who needs to sign the petition for a visa.
Only a guardian or parent can do this.
There are a couple of forms a parent can complete for this. There is a Child Medical Care Authorization Form or a Child Care Limited Power of Attorney (includes medical). A Child Care Limited Power of Attorney is a document signed and notarized by a parent giving a non-parent authority to make decisions for a minor child. It is not a court order. It is typically used by a parent who is unavailable for a period of time and wants to grant authority to another person over their child.
In order to do a car transfer from a parent to a child, the parent must sign over the car to the child. There must be a smog certification and a transfer fee must be paid.
When one parent files a petition to change a child's name, they are also supposed to have the other parent sign a consent to change the child's name form and then file it in the name change case file at the courthouse.
Only if the obligee parent is deceased and with the approval of the court.
Minor children should sign their own tax return. If a child cannot sign his or her return, a parent or guardian can sign the child's name in the space provided at the bottom of the tax return followed by "By (signature), parent (or guardian) for minor child."
only for emergency procedures