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majhueuilywuwhywehywhyutjhgthqrhhbwt jsyu thr jrtr mnrrhagrt t7y4nhbat;ijntagywa rhyuyrhrhioyihrwar jnrhryjrya way you can be but its more likely to justget the child taken away

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Q: Can a parent be put in jail if they are unfit to take care of a child?
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Can a non custodial parent gain custody if legal parent is in jail and child has no guardianship?

Yes unless they are found to be unfit.

Is a parent considered unfit if he stays in a relationship with someone who has physically hurt their child?

If it was intentional, and not an accident, that parent should be in jail. This question is left up to the interpretation of the circumstances.

Can a godparent have custody if parent is in jail?

If the other parent is unfit, other relatives have equal chance in court to get custody of the child. Being a god parent does not give you a bigger chance since godparent is not a legal term. It's a religious one.

What happens to the child when the parent who has custody goes to jail?

When a parent with custody goes to jail, child custody arrangements can vary depending on the situation. The child may go to live with the other parent, a relative, a foster family, or be placed in the care of child protective services. The court will typically make a decision based on the best interests of the child.

Can your kids get taken away if the dad comes home from jail?

Depends on what he has been in for and if he is declared as a unfit parent or not.

What happens to the child when the custodial parent goes to jail?

Not sure what you're trying to ask. However, typically when a parent who has main custody goes to jail, the other parent will take the child in, or even a family member.

Can a parent go to jail for child abandonment if child is 17?

they should

Do you get child support if child is in jail?

No. If the child is in jail, the custodial parent is not supporting the child. Any amount should be paid to the state if required.

If a parent whips a child what will happen if that child is not theirs?

they can be sent to jail for abuse

When is a parent not responsible for a drinking child?

when the parent isn't home, and the child is alone in the house. In some cases it's child neglect, if the child records or has some kind of documentation of he/she doing the act, the parent can go to jail, or the child.

Interrogitory about residential parent?

What if a residential parent had to go to jail and the child is with a friend. Can the other joint go get her.

Does child support continue if the custodial parent is in jail for a long time?

Yes - the child's needs continue.