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"Noncommissioned peace officer" is a contradictory term. Peace officers are empowered to carry firearms, serve warrants, and make arrests on probable cause. Not every state describes peace officers as "commissioned," but those that have peace officer powers are, in essence, commissioned.

Added: Could you be asking about Police 'Reserve' Officers. They may actually be classified as peace officers, or deputized, only when actually on duty.

Or perhaps you are referring to private security officers.

In some jurisdictions, private security officers are issued documents (sometimes called "commissions") by local law enforcement dividing them into two classes, those who are authorized to provide un-armed security services, and those who are qualified, and authorized, to carry firearms. HOWEVER, these so-called "commissions' specify that they may only be armed while ON THE JOB.

Of course, if the individual you are referring to in the question possesses a valid CCW permit issued by your state, they may be armed at any time with their own weapon unless restricted from doing so on the job by either their employer, or by the restriction of their 'commission.'

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Q: Can a non commisioned peace officer carry a gun?
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Sorry- Illinois has the most restrictive concealed carry laws in the US. Other than occupations such as police officer or armed security officer, you will not get a permit.

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Carry how? If you mean carry concealed, you need a Concealed Weapons license, or be a law enforcement officer.

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