

Best Answer

In general, "emancipation" means that the child is either married or self-sufficient - lack of school attendance does not emancipate a child.


Termination of Child Support.

Child support terminates when the child becomes 21 years old, unless any of the following conditions occur:

(1) The child is emancipated before becoming 21.

(2) The child is incapacitated. In this case the child support continues during the incapacity or until further order of the court.

(3) The child:

(A) is at least 18 years old;

(B) has not attended a secondary or postsecondary school for the prior 4 months and is not enrolled in a secondary or postsecondary school; and

(C) is employed, or is capable of supporting himself or herself through employment.

The court may order that support be modified instead of terminated, if it finds that these conditions are met, but that the child is only partially supporting or is capable of only partially supporting himself or herself.

The court shall find the child emancipated and terminate the child support if the court finds that the child:

(1) has joined the United States armed services;

(2) has married; or

(3) is not under the care or control of either parent or an individual or agency approved by the court.

31-16-6-6 of the Indiana Code

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Q: Can a non-custodial parent emancipate an 18 year old who has not proved he is attending school in Indiana?
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