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As a married mother, no. As a single mother, though he has no legal right to retain the children, the police and the courts are beginning to view this as a civil rights issue that your rights are no greater than his to the children. I know as we we have been bring civil rights actions against them.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Yes, any non custodial parent may be legitimately charged with kidnapping for preventing access to minors of the custodial parent. In fact, more than half of kidnappings in the United States are committed by a non custodial parent.

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10y ago

Generally in the United States, an unmarried mother has legal custody of her child until the father establishes his paternity in court and requests custody and visitation. If he has not established his paternity legally, only the mother has legal custody. Therefore she would not be in any position to be charged with kidnapping her own child.

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11y ago

No. She is then the custodial guardian still.

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13y ago

Without more details the simple answer is no.

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Q: Can a mother bring kidnapping charges to a father if there isn't a court order?
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{| |- | You should consult an attorney. In most cases you can bring charges once you reach the age of majority. The Statute of Limitations is tolled until the minor reaches 18. |}

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Is all right to run away and live with your mom whit telling your dad?

Sweetheart, your mom will be charged with kidnapping unless she sends you back. If your father have custody of you there is a court order that has to be followed. As a runaway your father will report you and the police will bring you back. Anyone who helps you and knows you are a runaway can be charged with aiding a runaway. Now, if your mother wants you to live with her she will have to petition the court for custody. And whatever reason the court did not grant your mother custody must have changed. If they do not live too far apart she can ask for shared custody. So speak to your mom. You can not decide where to live until you are 18yo.

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