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No, the mortgage is a debt of the estate. That mortgage must be resolved before the property can be transferred.

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Q: Can a mortgage be omitted from probate if the property was deeded to someone else before death?
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How can a bank foreclose on a deceased person?

A bank can not foreclose on a deceased person. A bank forecloses on a piece of property when the mortgage has not been paid. There is a difference. If the deceased person had the money in the bank to pay the mortgage and the will is in probate, someone should tell the probate judge about the situation. In this state the probate judge has the authority to pay the mortgage. He also has the authority to make the car payment. The probate judge will not do anything unless someone tells him!

What happens to the land in a reverse mortgage contract?

In a reverse mortgage arrangement the lender ends up with the property unless someone pays off the mortgage.In a reverse mortgage arrangement the lender ends up with the property unless someone pays off the mortgage.In a reverse mortgage arrangement the lender ends up with the property unless someone pays off the mortgage.In a reverse mortgage arrangement the lender ends up with the property unless someone pays off the mortgage.

How do i find out who mortgaged someone's home?

A property can only be mortgaged by someone that OWNS the property. A mortgage is a loan that is secured by the value of the property. I cannot get a mortgage on property that I do not own, since I have no right to that property. The mortgage company would be considered a lien holder- they have a claim against the property for as much as the unpaid amount of the loan. Lienholders will be listed on the deed to the property, which is recorded by the County Clerk or Recorder.

What is the difference between a mortgage and monthly rent?

Monthly rent is payment for using someone else's property.A mortgage payment is payment for a loan you obtained to purchase real property that you own.Monthly rent is payment for using someone else's property.A mortgage payment is payment for a loan you obtained to purchase real property that you own.Monthly rent is payment for using someone else's property.A mortgage payment is payment for a loan you obtained to purchase real property that you own.Monthly rent is payment for using someone else's property.A mortgage payment is payment for a loan you obtained to purchase real property that you own.

You are on the deed but not the mortgage. Can you pay the mortgage without being on the mortgage if you want to keep the house?

You can make mortgage payments if you're not on the mortgage. However, you would be a volunteer and paying the mortgage in and of itself wouldn't give you any interest in the property. You would be paying for someone else's property.However, if your name was added to the property after the mortgage was granted you would be protecting your interest in the property by making certain the mortgage is paid on time.

What do you do when a person dies owing a mortgage and he conveyed the property before he died to someone who is not on the mortgage?

The property is still subject to the mortgage. The grantee should make arrangements with the bank to assume the mortgage. Some mortgage documents contain language that a transfer of the property will trigger a demand that the mortgage be paid in full. You should speak to the bank ASAP. Or, the grantee could just keep paying the mortgage.

Can you use someone else's property as collateral for a loan?

yes you can, provided the owner of the property agrees to mortgage it for the loan

Can heirs transfer deeds to someone since the property is not yet partitioned and there is no will?

You need to consult an attorney who specializes in probate. The property cannot be transferred by heirs until the estate has been probated.You need to consult an attorney who specializes in probate. The property cannot be transferred by heirs until the estate has been probated.You need to consult an attorney who specializes in probate. The property cannot be transferred by heirs until the estate has been probated.You need to consult an attorney who specializes in probate. The property cannot be transferred by heirs until the estate has been probated.

How do you take a partner's name off the mortgage?

You can't take someone's name off the mortgage. The mortgage belongs to the bank and both of you signed a contractual obligation. The mortgage must be paid off and refinanced in one name and the partner must convey their interest to the co-owner. Then the property and mortgage will be in one name.

Can you will someone your home if it is not paid for?

Yes. You can leave your property to a beneficiary. However, the beneficiary must pay off the mortgage or the lender will take possession of the property by foreclosure. When you grant a mortgage you are granting the lender an interest in your property. Your beneficiary would take the property subject to the bank's interest.

If you are on a promissary note but not on the deed do you sign the mortgage?

If you are not on the deed then you don't own the property. If you don't own the property then you should not promise to pay the mortgage. A co-signer on a mortgage and promissory note is completely responsible for paying the mortgage. If the primary mortgagor (who in this case is the owner of the property) defaults on the mortgage the lender will go after the co-signer of the note for payment. A default will ruin your credit. If someone has asked you to sign their note and mortgage then you should require they execute a new deed with you as the co-owner of the property.

Can someone other then the life estate holder take a mortgage out on the property without the life estate holders permission?

No. Only the fee owners can mortgage the property and they can only do so with the written consent of the life tenant.