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There is something wrong with you... Even if the female is old enough.. They will never "get at it"

Breeding that closely is risky. Any undesirable traits will be magnified . Please don't.

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Q: Can a male schnauzer breed with his female offspring when she is old enough?
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The dog breed is a German Shepherd, or Alsatian.

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The only way they are not able to breed is; 1. One of them already has 3 offspring. 2. The male didnt offer a covering reserved for the mare. 3. The male is gelded. ( Meaning no longer allowed to breed )

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What happens if you mix a female mini schnauzer with a male standard schnauzer?

I don't think that would be safe for the female. If you were determined to do that you should reverse the order -breed a Mini, male Schnauzer with a Standard female. You should also ask yourself what your reasons for considering this are and throughly research breeding and get a good understanding of what you are doing. Before taking a chance of doing any harm to the animals, particularly a female who is considerably smaller than a male, complete your research.

Can you breed a miniature schnauzer with a giant schnauzer And of so what would the schnauzer be considered?

You could try to breed a giant with a mini but it probably depends on their first impression and if the miniature is intimidated by the giant. Also, prob depends on the gender, and which is which.

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A "Liger" is cross-breed between a male lion and a female tiger. Ligers cannot make other ligers. As a general rule, the offspring of two different species are sterile and cannot reproduce (the only exceptions are between species that are very closely related, like lynx and bobcats). Ligers, the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger are closely enough related that a female liger is usually fertile, but a male liger is not. The same holds true for Tions or Tigons, which are the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion. Female tigons are usually fertile while male tigons are not fertile.