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If it follows Canada civil court procedure then yes.

If it follows Canada civil court procedure then yes.

If it follows Canada civil court procedure then yes.

If it follows Canada civil court procedure then yes.

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If it follows Canada civil court procedure then yes.

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Q: Can a lien be placed on a property in Canada by a company from the UK?
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What is proof can i use for a title company that a judgment has been paid?

A letter from the collection company or creditor who reported it or a lien release form if the judgment was placed in lien against property.

Can a lien be placed on your personal property by a credit card company if the account is in arrears?

A creditor must follow due process as prescribed by the laws of the state where the debtor resides. For a lien to be placed against real property the creditor must first sue the debtor, be awarded a judgment and enforce the judgment as a property lien.

Can a lien be against automobiles?

A lien can be placed against almost any property.

Can a judgment lien be placed on a property mortgaged by USDA-Rd?

A lien can be placed on any property, regardless of who holds the mortgage. In most cases the mortgage holder will be paid before a secondary lien holder.

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Would i be contacted if I have a lien against my house?

You would be aware if a lien is placed on your property. You should receive notice and a copy of the lien.

Can a lien be placed on a business if they fail to pay for work done?

If work is done to the property such as remodeling, repairs and a company does not pay, the person(s) owed can file a Mechanic's Lien without the necessity of the usual court procedure against said company.

Judgment liens are what type of lien?

A Judgment Lien is a lien placed on property by a creditor to recover a certain sum of money granted by a judgment awarded in court. The property can not be sold legally while the lien remains unpaid.

Can a judgment lien be placed against property that is in escrow?

It depends upon the nature of the lien and who is the holder of the escrow account. If the property is being held in escrow by the lender, then yes, the placement of a lien is possible.

Can a lien be placed against personal property of executor of an estate if they didnt pay you your inheritance?

A lien can normally only be placed with a court order. The beneficiary can certainly take them to court. And if they win, then they can place a lien.

Can a creditor's lien be placed on property paid for with VA compensation benefits?


Can a home owner's association foreclose on a home?

If they hold a mortgage or a lien on the property. Home owner's associations often have required dues and if they are not paid, a lien can be placed on the property.