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A creditor does not legally have to accept any payment amount except that which is stated in the contract/lending agreement. Also when accepting a lesser payment the creditor is still not barred from using other methods including litigation to collect the debt. Evem of the debtor is making payments on the account the creditor can still file suit for the debt and if granted a judgment in most cases use it as a lien against the debtor's property. Because litigation is expensive and time consuming most creditors (not all) will try to work with the debtor. The debtor should contact the creditor to attempt to make other payment arrangements, not take it upon themselves to simply pay what they can afford.

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Yes. The creditor could sue you in court and if successful will obtain a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. Once recorded you can't sell or mortgage the property until the lien is paid.

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Yes, consolidating your debts into one debt will lower your monthly payments. Now the bad news. When you lower your monthly payments you will be extending your debt over a longer period of time. The only time a debt consolidation will work, is if you do not charge and change your life style to a cash only basis.

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You may do that in case of credit card consolidation wherein your credit card debts are consolidated into one credit card. However, if you can still negotiate to lower your interest rate and monthly payments; it is still better to pay off your debt with cash and not consolidation.

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The card holder is under no legal obligation for the card holder to continue making payments after filing for bankruptcy, unless the case is dismissed without a discharge. There are some who believe that they can improve their credit rating by pay off debts that were discharged in a bankruptcy, but I believe there are better methods to reestablish credit after bankruptcy.

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For credit card holders, a good way to consolidate debts is by transferring your outstanding balances to your card that holds the lowest interest rate. That way, your monthly payments will be significantly lower. Calculate your debts and see if they can be consolidated with your low interest card. Move from one card to the next until you find one that can fit all of your balances.

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Of course. Your "credit" score will be lowered if you become a debtor who doesn't pay your debts. Your credit score is based on your behavior as a person who owes money. If you don't make your payments on time you are a poor credit risk.Of course. Your "credit" score will be lowered if you become a debtor who doesn't pay your debts. Your credit score is based on your behavior as a person who owes money. If you don't make your payments on time you are a poor credit risk.Of course. Your "credit" score will be lowered if you become a debtor who doesn't pay your debts. Your credit score is based on your behavior as a person who owes money. If you don't make your payments on time you are a poor credit risk.Of course. Your "credit" score will be lowered if you become a debtor who doesn't pay your debts. Your credit score is based on your behavior as a person who owes money. If you don't make your payments on time you are a poor credit risk.

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Is credit card consolidation bad for credit?

Not at all - debt consolidation is usually a good way to reduce your overall monthly repayments across a number of debts into one repayment which is more manageable. The idea is that by controlling payments, you will be less likely to miss repaying some loan payments (which will hurt your credit rating) and enable you to clear the debt faster. Provided that you can make the repayment on a consolidated loan, and can opverpay slightly where possible you should actually improve your credit as you are demonstrating to credit agencies that you can positively manage debt.