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Q: Can a legal guardian put the child on their insurance?
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Can ex take child out of school and put child in home s hool without your permission?

Depends on if he is the custodial parent or legal guardian or not. That is something that parent decides. If he is not he has no right to do this.

What if a child lives without a parent?

they get put in a Foster Home, or if they are young maybe they would get adopted.

Can father be put in nursing home without your permission?

Unless you are the legal guardian of your father, yes. There is no requirement that he get your permission. And if someone else is guardian, it is their decision.

How old does the child have to be to put on the insurance?

You posted this in Life Insurance so the correct answer as it pertains to this category is that the child needs to be born.

Do you have to have parental consent for a restraining order?

If you are a minor you cannot put the order in place yourself. It has to be done by a parent/guardian who is legal.

Is it legal to put a child seat in a bench seat pickup?

No it is illegal.

My nephew guardian of my dad. gave all my dads belongings away the day he put him in a resthome.hat is my best recourse?

This is a legal question only an attorney can answer, or someone in legal aid.

Can you put a girl down on the birth certificate for the father?

The mother is the legal guardian from birth and can give the child any name she wants but she can not sign for the father on the birth certificate. He have to sign it and if she was below age of consent when the child was conceived he can go to prison for statutory rape.

Will insurance allow you to put your independent child's vehicle on your policy?

Insurance should. I would check with your information to see if your company can.

If a minor has a child can her parents put the child up for adoption without her consent?

Legally, probably not. Not unless they have legal custody of the minor's child.

If the title is under the child's name can the parent still put it under their insurance?

In California You can! Again depending on what Insurance company you go with.

Do parents have legal right to put their child in a group home after they've reached the age of eighteen?

Not unless the child consents.