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Q: Can a law be createdwithout signature?
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Whose signature is needed for a bill to become law?

The President's signature is needed for a bill to become law in the United States.

Can a bill become law without governor's signature?

In order for a state bill to become a law the governor must sign it. Without his signature the bill dies. At that point the legislature has to come up with enough votes to pass the bill into law without the governor's signature or just let it go.

If the president sign a bill what will happen to the bill?

It becomes law with his signature.

Notorizing a forged signature?

If the notary is aware the signature is a forgery they are in violation of the law. The violation should be brought to the attention of the district attorney's office.

When the president signs a bill it becomes a law?

A bill does become a law when a president signs it, but a bill can also become a law without the presidents signature.

How does congress make law without presidents signature what is this called?

Overriding a veto

What is a case where a laws passed with out a signature of the president?

ANY case where a bill enacted by Congress was vetoed by the Presidnet and sent back to Congress only to have them over-ride the veto.... that law became law without a President's signature.

Consquences for forging a signature?

Forging a notary public's official signature is a felony, punishable by law. It is considered fraud. A notary public signs their signature and also uses a metal crimper that has the official information on it, along with a rubber stamp.

Who can declare a federal law?

No one "declares" a federal law. Once Congress has passed the Bill and forwarded it for the Presidents signature - once he signs it it becomes law.

Which way can a bill become a law without the president's signature?

The votes needed for a bill to become a law without the Presidents signature is about two- thirds (2/3) majority vote of Congress is needed to approve a vetoed bill.

What is a signature manicure?

cant tell its private u do this u break d law

What is one of the laws that has been passed by Congress without the signature of the President?

the law is poopo