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That depends entirely on the law in your state or country. In the UK, a court order would be needed.

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Q: Can a landlord evict you from apt for late rent more than four times?
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Can your landlord evict you if you are behind 2 months rent and have always been late for the past 3 years?

A landlord may legally evict any time you are late with the rent. Even if you are just one day late one time.

Can a property management office evict you after 5 days after the 5th of the month here in Las Vegas and can they also charge you all those late fees?

Get a copy of your lease and check what it says about late payments. Most do charge late fees and if you are late a number of times, they evict you. If the fees are beyond that, check the Landlord and Tenant laws for your state. Rent is a fixed expense and there is usually no latitude as to when it is due regardless of your situation.

Why landlord cannot evict you?

a landlord can evict you for non-payment of rent or being consistantly late paying,,, disruptive behaviour, drug abuse, loud noise after 11pm, filthy premises, and too many people living there, these are the main reasons for an eviction. Another reason although not a common one is when the landlord wants the unit for his own use or for a person in his family.

Can a landlord give a termination notice to a tenant for late fees?

This is tricky as some jurisdictions prohibit charging late fees in general. Others do not consider them as "rent" but more of a penalty for being late. Assuming the landlord accepted the rent check, and cashed it, they have continued the tenancy.

Can a landlord evict a tenant for late fees and how long do they have?

That would depend on the Laws of your country. As you have not told us this we can not give you a precise answer. If you need a precise answer relating to your circumstances then you should speak to a solicitor/attorney.

Is a tenant liable for rent if baggered by landlord?

Your question is not clear, is the landlord baggering you for the rent or is it in regards to something else? Is the rent late? Your rent is due every month (or week), regardless of landlord behavior. But the landlord cannot harass tenants, regardless of reason. They can evict for non-payment, following the procedures dictated by the laws in your state. That said, if the landlord is abusive they can be taken to a standard civil court.

I rent and want to know where to find out if the mortgage is late?

Whether the mortgage is late is none of the renter's business: it's a matter between the landlord and his mortgage lender. The mortgage lender will not discuss business with any other than its client. As long as the landlord has control of the property-- regardless of foreclosure status-- the rent will alway be collected by him and he can evict you if you don't pay.

Can a landlord evict you over a late water bill?

Yes, unless it states in your contract "bills included".

Can a landlord purposely avoid taking rent money in an attempt to evict the renter on grounds of not paying rent?

Not if the rent is being paid on time. But landlords can try. If this happens then the tenant will need to pay the rent to the Clerk of Court or prothontary's registry. He can then explain to the judge and probably win. Now, if the rent is not paid on time and the landlord charges late fees, then the landlord has the right to refuse to take the payment if the late fee is not included in the payment, provided it says on the lease that the late fees become part of the rent for which no partial payment is accepted.

Can your landlord charge you a 150 a day late fee?

Probably not. Whether any late fee can be charged depends on your state's laws, but excessive late fees are disallowed in almost every state. A fee as high as yours might even be usury (an illegally high interest rate). The states that do address late fees in their laws usually require that the late fee be agreed to in writing at the beginning of the tenancy. You might consider writing the landlord a letter stating that you are not paying the late fee, and just keep paying the rent. Bear in mind, however, most states allow a landlord to evict a tenant for being late with the rent repeatedly. In Massachusetts, you can be evicted for being late twice in twelve months.

What should you do if your rent is going to be late?

Tell your landlord

Can a landlord in WI take late fees from a tennnt's escrow No damages after move no nonstandard provison outside of lease landlord is in FL for good part of the yr Some payments may have been late?

If payments were late, then the money was owed. Yes, the landlord may take money owed.