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Absolutely. The landlord may require that you have a certain amount of "reserves" or savings available in addition to your current income.

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Q: Can a landlord ask about bank balance for rent application?
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Where would unearned rent appear on the landlord's balance sheet?

In the current liability section of the balance sheet.

What do you do when you have a lease and paying your rent but the landlord doesn't pay the mortgage?

Nothing. Just keep paying your rent. The landlord's relationship with his bank has nothing to do with you. And, if he does get foreclosed, federal law gives you lots of time before the bank can move you out.

Do you have to pay rent when the landlord didn't tell the mortgage company he was renting?

Yes. The relationship between the landlord and bank has nothing to do with the tenant.

You received notices that the property that you rent went into forcloser It is now being sold by the bank The owner who lost the property is sueing you for 3 months past rent what can you do?

DO NOT give the landlord any money. If the bank has taken possession of the property itmay be your obligation to pay the bank and not the (former) landlord. Call the bank before you pay anybody anything !!!

Can a landlord collect rent on bankrupt home when he has not been making payments to bank?

That would be a matter that's between the landlord and the lender or bankruptcy trustee, not the tenant. As long as the landlord has control of the property he still has the right to collect rent and evict you if the rent isn't paid. If the property is taken over by a new entity, that entity becomes your landlord and they will give you further instructions.

Can a landlord harass you for rent when the rent isn't even due?

A landlord cannot legally harass you for rent if your rent is not in arrears.

How can a landlord collect rent when a tenant files bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy has nothing to do with the tenant. If a bank forecloses on the mortgage, US federal law requires the bank to give the tenants a 90 day notice to quit, if they want the building emptied. But, it could be that the landlord will survive the bankruptcy, and there will be no foreclosure.

My friends landlord lowered their rent for them and then we moved in with them and now their moving away can the landlord raise our rent back up?

If your friends landlord lowered the rent for him/her and then after moving in with him/her, he/she decides to move out, then the landlord will most likely raise the rent again.

What is the law on personal property landlord refuse to give back?

The landlord refuses to return personal property until the balance of his rent has been paid. 3 months have passed.

What do you do if your landlord is missing so you cannot pay rent?

You could go to the bank and open an 'escrow' account, and put the rent in there. Eventually either your landlord, or your landlord's estate, or your landlord's creditors will come looking for it, and when that happens you want to have both the money itself and proof that you made a good faith effort to pay it in a timely fashion.

What kind of judement do you get from a landlord for back rent?

Your landlord can evict you and sue for back rent.

How do you use landlord in a sentence?

I have to pay rent to my Landlord