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Absoutly not. You have to remember they are two completely different concepts and as such they cannot be combined for any reason.

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Q: Can a judge deny my visitation because I was found in contempt for not showing at court for back due child support?
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Do you have to take your kids for out of state visitation if your ex is thousands of dollars behind in child support?

If there is a court order for visitation privileges it must be obeyed. Visitation and child support are treated as two entirely different issues. Just as an obligated parent is in contempt of a court order when they do not pay the mandated child support a custodial parent could be in contempt for not adhering to the visitation terms.

What if the father have not paid for child support?

Yes - custody/visitation are a separate issue from child support. File contempt for nonpayment of child support.

Can your ex get your kids just because he does not want to pay child support?

First, it is an Urban Myth that fathers go for custody to avoid paying child support. First, who would support the children while in his custody? Less then 15% of mothers are ordered to pay, and depending on circumstances, the custodial father is often still ordered to pay child support.

What to do when custodial parent keeps child from visitation?

There is nothing you can do about it because child support and visitation are two separate things. Even though a person does not pay their child support, you can still get into trouble if you do not allow them to have their visits with the child.

Are you obligated to pay child support if the mother is leaving visitation up to the children?

Yes. visitation and child support are two separate issues. If there is a visitation order it has to be followed. The children do not have a choice and it's the parent's obligation to see to that the court order is obeyed. If the court order for visitation is violated you have to report this back to the court by filing a motion for contempt against the custodial parent. You must obey your child support order. If you fail to pay you will be in contempt of court are child support arrears will continue to accumulate. If you have not petitioned for visitation and just left it up to the mother to decide there is nothing you can do but go back to court and request a visitation order.

Do you still have to pay child support if she has full custody and won't let you see your child?

Yes. Child support and visitation are two separate issues. You need to return to court and request a visitation order or file a motion for contempt if the mother is in violation of a visitation order. If you stop paying your child support that will compound your problems.

What do you do if you lose in direct contempt of court?

If for contempt of refusal to pay child support, request prosecution. If for denial of visitation, nothing.

What is being held in contempt?

Being held in contempt in a family law court case means you have violated a court order such as child support or a visitation order, or failed to appear in court. The court can impose sanctions.

If the mother deprive the father the right to see his child and he pays child support what are will the courts do for legal relief for him?

If the father has visitation rights and the mother refuses to allow the father those rights, then the father can sue the mother in a civil contempt proceeding. If she doesn't have a good reason for disallowing the visitation then she can be held in contempt of court. There are various remedies including giving the father more visitation to make up for the visitation that was disallowed by the mother or even giving the father custody, but usually, the judge will just order the mother to allow the visits. His paying or not paying child support has nothing to do with whether or not he gets visitation (i.e. he gets visitation regardless of whether or not he is current with child support).

What to do when you pay child support but you have no visitation?

they are completely separate just because you pay child support has nothing to do with visitation, sorry

What happens during a spouse support trial where the ex spouse is in contempt of none spousel support payments?

The same as child support. You're not arrested for non-payment, you're arrested for showing contempt for the orders of the court. Unfortunately, it is not equally applied.

What does contempt of family court by adult offense mean?

Contempt of family court by adult offense refers to a situation where an individual is found to have knowingly disobeyed a court order within family court, such as failing to comply with a child custody agreement or support order. This can result in penalties such as fines, jail time, or other consequences imposed by the court.