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Q: Can a judge choose any punishment for a crime?
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Which type of punishment deters crime most effectively?

There are not really any types of punishment that will crime, except for death. However, that would only stop one person and not the population.

Does a person accused of a crime have the right to have any judge he or she wants?


Can 3 years probation be a misdemeanor?

No. Misdemeanors refer to crimes, not to punishments. A misdemeanor is any crime for which the maximum punishment is less than one year confinement. Probation is an example of a punishment for a crime.

What is a criminal sands hearing?

A criminal sentencing hearing is a court proceeding where a judge determines and imposes the punishment or sentence for a person convicted of a crime. It involves considering factors such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's criminal history, and any mitigating or aggravating circumstances before deciding on an appropriate sentence.

Is quartering an appropriate punishment for treason?

Do you mean now, in the 21st Century? It is not an appropriate punishment for any crime at any time. Capital punishment is practiced by some nations and this is controversial enough. Quartering is utterly barbaric.

What are pardons and reprieves?

Pardons relieve a person of any punishment for crime. Reprieves temporarily postpone punishments.

What happens if you get arrested for gun charges?

The same as if you were arrested for any crime. You would be tried to determine if you broke the law, and if you did, what the proper punishment would be. "Gun charges" is a very vague term- punishment would depend on the crime.

Is a DUI a felony charge?

depends. any crime where the punishment exceeds 1 year in jail is a felony.

What is the difference of a captiol crime and an infamous crime?

A "capitol crime" is any crime for which the punishment can be the death sentence. An 'infamous crime" is simply one which is notable for its infamy, its daring, or many other factors which simply make it notable. An infamous crime is not necessarily a "capitol crime."

What is the punishment for a felony?

It depends on what class the felony is. For Class 1 felonies the penalty is death or life in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. For Class 6 felonies the penalty is one to five years in jail.

Can you ever be pardoned for a DUI?

The Governor or President can pardon any crime they choose.

What punishment does the king initially order for the knight?

The king orders the knight to be put to death for the crime of raping a young woman.