You said "Can" a husband pay for Adultery. What do you mean? Should he, could he or will he???
this behavior would definitely be considered cheating on your husband.
If you have proof of adultery, you can sue your husband for divorce. In the US, the days of suing a mistress for "alienation of affection" are gone. You cannot obtain a money judgment for emotional damages caused by your husband's infidelity. No judge will order the mistress to pay you.
According to the Torah, adultery is specifically when a married Jewish woman has sex with a Jewish man other than her husband.
Yes, she can.
You can file a complaint for divorce.
No, a wife can not have her husband charged with desertion if she cheated on him. Adultery is grounds for separation and divorce.
Thou shalt not commit adultery. Simple as that.
David committed adultery with Bathsheba, when her husband, Uriah, was away at war (2 Samuel 11:1-27).
The issue would be adultery, but not who she was with.
Bathsheba, her husband was Uriah at the time that she slept with King David.
adultery with Bathsheba and then setting up the murder of her husband to cover it up
You commit adultery every day when you look at someone or something lustfully. You also do it when your mind is impure or you have impure thoughts. And, obviously you commit adultery when you have sexual activity with someone who is not your wife or husband. This how adultery is commuted.