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No, I think your consent would be required regardless of relation.

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Q: Can a half uncle take child out of state without consent of both parents?
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Until your reach the age of majority, you are the responsibility of your parents.

Can a child go in to care without both parents consent?

Can you clarify your questions? What type of care are you speaking of? Daycare? What state are you in?

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Passing a child in school has nothing to do with parental consent. If the child fails to meet the state's criteria for passing, they can be held back.

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I get the feeling they are not married. if there are court orders for custody, visitation and child support she can not do this without the other parents consent and the courts consent. Otherwise she will be breaking the courts orders which is illegal.

Can a custodial parent move a child out of the state of Utah without the non custodial parents' permission?

No, you need both his and the courts consent.

Can one parent take a child out of the state of Texas without the consent of the other parent?

No, you will need the other parents and the courts permission.

Can a 15 year old get married without parents permission in the state of Georgia if she has a child?

No. You are not allowed to get married below 16 even with parental consent. Without parental consent you have to wait until you are 18.

What age can you married in Alabama without parents consent?

In the state of Alabama you can get married when you are 18 without parental consent.

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Can a 16 year old with a baby move out of her parents house and move in with the babys' dad and grandmother?

This question really depends on where in the world you are. In the UK a child can leave home at 16 with the parents consent. However, if a child leaves home at 16 without parental consent the police will not force them to return. The age of consent in the UK is 16. If you're in the US consent laws vary from state to state.

Can a child legally leave home at 16 in UK?

A child can leave home WITH parents' consent at 16, or without it if they are leaving an abusive or neglectful situation. A child can leave home without parental consent at 17. This is the current legislation in the UK.

Is it legal in New York State for one parent to take their child out of state without the other parent's knowledge or consent?

parents married or unmarried- taken out of state permanently or for a vacation- etc