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If you are under probation or parole I doubt it because you cant go out of the city or county, but if you are just a convicted felon, yes, you can go out of the country, and Mexico wouldn't min letting you in.

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4mo ago

Yes, a convicted felon can visit the Bahamas. However, they would need to apply for a visa in advance, and their application would be subject to approval by Bahamian authorities. It is important to check the specific entry requirements and restrictions for felons before planning a trip.

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13y ago

Generally not a problem, their law directly states that if you are on parole, you must obtain permission from your parole officer, and that entry will be granted in circumstances involving bereavement, among a few others. Generally, if you have completed your sentence, and have not been convicted of narcotics offence, or a sexual offense, and that a period of 5 years has elapsed since the completion of your sentence.

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13y ago

If the convicted felon is on probation or parole, check with his or her assigned probation or parole officer. Otherwise, with the exception of a court order relating to traveling, there should be n problems.

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13y ago

The answer to this question cannot be known unleess/until you apply for a visa. Only when your visa is approved or denied will you know.

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14y ago

Yes, unless you are on parole or probation it shouldn't be a problem.

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Can convicted felon be trustee of a revocable trust?

In most cases, a convicted felon can serve as a trustee of a revocable trust unless there are specific legal restrictions or the terms of the trust prohibit it. However, being a convicted felon may impact the individual's ability to effectively manage trust assets or fulfill their fiduciary duties.

Can a felon inherit property in California?

Yes, a felon can inherit property in California. Being a felon does not disqualify someone from inheriting property or assets through a will or trust. However, certain restrictions may apply to felons in terms of their legal rights and abilities.

Can a felon shoot a gun at a gun range?

In the United States, the laws regarding felons owning or shooting firearms vary by state. Some states prohibit felons from possessing or using firearms, even at a gun range. It is important to consult with a lawyer or local authorities to understand the laws in a specific state.

Is it illegal to possess body armor in New Jersey while being a convicted felon?

Yes, it is illegal for a convicted felon to possess body armor in New Jersey. Under state law, convicted felons are prohibited from owning body armor in order to protect the public from potential harm. Violating this law can result in serious consequences.

Can a parent buy life insurance on a convicted felon?

It is unlikely that a parent would be able to purchase life insurance on a convicted felon, as insurance companies typically require the insured person's consent and information for underwriting purposes. Additionally, the felony conviction may be seen as an increased risk by the insurance company, making it harder to secure coverage.