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Purchasing a gun for another person is known as a straw purchase, and is highly illegal. When you factor in that you're talking about making this purchase for a felon - who, by federal law, is forbidden from purchasing, possessing, or having access to firearms - and you'll be looking at a lengthy stint in prison.

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18y ago

No .Prohibited by the federal Firearms act.

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15y ago

If the seller knew that the person he was selling to was a felon, yes.

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Q: Can a felon sell guns retail?
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How much is a Kahr CW45 handgun?

The suggested retail is $606. Most gun stores sell guns at less than retail.

Where can one purchase price labels for retail use?

Price labels for retail use can be bought on the internet. One online seller is storessupply. They sell a variety stickers, labels and pricing guns and tagging guns.

Can a convicted felon attend a gun show?

The basic answer is no. The short answer is, a felon cannot have access to guns, and at a gun show, a felon would have access to guns, so it's illegal.

Can a nonviolent felon have guns in Oklahoma?


Can a felon transport guns?

Absolutely not.

Paint ball guns in Minnesota?

It is legal. Paintball guns are not considered firearms there for a felon can. There is even some USPL players that are ex felons (USPL is the professional league)

Can a felon hunt with guns?

In the U.S. a convicted felon may not own or posses a gun.

What will disqualify a person from selling firearms at a retail store?

been in prison If you have any felony convictions you cannot sell guns!

Can a felon sell guns he owned before he was a felon?

Yes, there is no prohibition against him profiting from the lawful sale of any of his property, firearms included. HOWEVER - he had better have the sale handled by a thrid party and not be ANYWHERE near the firearms at all.

How do you turn in a felon who owns guns?

Notify the police.

In Virginia what if a felon is caught with guns?

The felon will most likely be arrested.

Are felons allowed to be in a residence that has guns?

I do not see where that would be a problem. Most laws state that convicted felons can not be in possession of a fire arm. Which means they can not carry handle or own a fire arm. Not that they can not be in an area where there are fire arms. After all some retail stores sell rifles and even hand guns. This would prevent felons from entering some stores and I have never heard of this.