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Convicted felons are prohibitted by US Code, Title 18 from owning "black powder arrms" which are specifically named in the statute.

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Q: Can a felon in Iowa own a muzzel loader?
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Can a convicted felon own a bow or muzzel loader in Va?

It is going to depend on what your felony conviction was for. Virginia may have particular laws relating to that. However, it seems to me that staying away from weapons entirely would be a positive.

Can a felon protect himself from an intruder with a hand gun?

The basic answer is, not legally. A felon cannot legally own or possess a handgun.

Is it legal for a convicted felon to own a muzzle loader in NC?

This is what I was told by a federal game warden it is not illegal for a felon to hunt with a black powder gun or a standard bow. A crossbow is illegal. A crossbow, shotgun, rifle, or any handgun it is illegal for a felon to possess.

Can a felon own a muzzle loader in PA?

No. Regardless of Pennsylvania laws, it is a FEDERAL offense for a convicted felon to own or possess a firearm - it has been ruled that muzzle-loading black powder arms fall under the category and definition of firearms. (USC, Title 18)

Can a convicted felon own a muzzle loader in Idaho?

Question: Have your firearms rights been restored? If not, regardless of what Wyoming law may say, FEDERAL LAW prohibits convicted felons from ever possessing firearms, and this includes black powder arms.

After 30 years can a felon own a gun in Iowa?

Not unless he has requested that of the state that his felony record be expunged and requested that his gun rights be restored. If the person was a convicted FEDERAL felon, they will not be able to - no mechanism is in place for granting federal felons a restoration of their rights.

Can a convicted felon's wife or son own weapons that are not in the felon's place of residence?

can a convicted felon's wife own a firearm that is not in his home

Does anyone own a habbo retro and need a loader?

Yes i need a loader

Can felons own investments?

There are no laws that state "a felon may not own investments", specifically. However, there are specific investments that a felon is barred from. For example, a felon may not own a liquor establishment.

Can a felon own a black powder gun in Virginia?

No. There is no state were a felon may own any firearm.

Can a convicted felon in Texas carry a own a taser?

There is no Texas law that says a felon can not own a taser.

Can a class h felon have a gun?

no felon can own or purchase a gun