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can a ex felon get a liquor license in Alabama

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Adonis Herman

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can a ex felon get a liquor license in Alabama

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Q: Can a felon get a liquor license in Alabama?
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How can a convicted felon obtain a liquor license in California?

i doubt it

Can a convicted felon get a liquor license in Iowa?

If the conviction is 10 years old

Could someone get a liquor license if they are serving a 5 year deferred sentence?

(in the US) I have never heard of a liquor license being issued to a convicted felon.

What is the cost for a liquor license in the state of Alabama?

Nothing, until they ask you if you have one.

Can a felon get a liquor license in pa?

In order to get a liquor license in La a person must meet certain requirements. These requirements will likely keep a felon from being able to obtain one. One must be of good character. One must also be able to vote. If one has had a license revoked, they are unable to get another one.

Can you get a liquor license in California if you are a felon?

a person can!However, he would have to be off parole for 10 years....and his felony would have to not involve cars!

Can you be a felon and have a liquor lincense?

It depends on the state.

Do you need a liquor license in Georgia to run a billiard hall?

If liquor is not provided you do not need a liquor license.

If you have a pheloney record can you get a liquor license?

once you can spell felony... you can get a liquor license

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Medical license revoked after convicted felon?

Can a convicted felon obtain a dealer license in Texas?

Generally speaking, no. A felon cannot own or even possess a handgun, and no state will knowningly issue a handgun permit to a felon. The exception to that is, if the felon has had his or her rights restored, they can own a gun and get a gun permit.

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