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Asbsolutely ! It depends on the circumstances of the parents. The court will decide which parent is in the best position to provide on-going care for a child. They will, however, usually order 'visitation rights' to the parent not granted custody. The custodial parent has no right to defy the court order without authority from the judge. So, for example, say the father was awarded custody, and the court ordered that the child is stay with the mother every second weekend... The father couldn't refuse the child staying wiht the mother for the time granted without going back to court.

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There are no black and white answers to questions like this one. It would all depend on why the mother doesn't have custody, why the sister does, why the father doesn't, and your state's laws.

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It's possible. It all depends on the circumstances of your case.

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Q: Can a father get full custody for his son if sister of mother has temporary custody?
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If you're saying can you ignore and violate the court orders? Yes, but then you would be in Contempt of Court, resulting in change of custody order being made permanent and not just temporary.

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In most cases, your sister's mother is also your mother, and her husband is your father. If you and your baby sister have the same father but different mothers, your sister's mother's father is your father. If you and you sister have the same mother but different fathers, your baby sister's father is your step-father if he is married to your mother.

Can your mother be your sister?

No, but she can be your half-sister - if your sister marries your father or if your mother gives birth to you with her father (your grandfather).

When a mother dies and the biological father is unknown does the stepfather get custody over the child's sister?

Without a Will, he has no clearly defined custodial rights to a stepchild, but unless addressed in a custody decree, neither does the father. Guardianship reverts to the maternal grandparents.

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Probably, it depends on the state. The best chance would be to convince the father that the child is being neglected - if he signed a waiver agreeing to custody to you then it would aid in the situation to convince a judge that the mother is unfit and that custody should be turned over to you. Legal Aid in your area should be able to help with this as well or any type of legal volunteer agency.

What is an aunt?

Your fathers sister or fathers brothers female partner.

Can a sister give a sister temporary custody of child without fathers consent?

That depends on the legal custody agreement in place. If no custody agreement has been hammered out in court, you should contact the family court in your county of residence, or an attorney, for information on filing papers to assign temporary guardianship of your child to your sister. You may both have to appear in court so the judge can determine whether or not such an arrangement is in the best interests of the child. In other words, cover your bases. Fathers do have rights and if he finds out that you are violating his rights, you may be facing a custody battle.

If a father of a child has severe mental illnesses in the past and the mother of the child dies can the mother's sister take the child without the father's permission?

yes, because god knows what the father can do to the child The parties should seek legal custody through the courts.