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Every state has its own laws regarding whether a felon can serve on jury duty. Of course, they cannot serve on jury duty if they are incarcerated, and in most states in serving probation or other supervision. However, in many states, felons may not serve on jury duty unless they have had their civil rights restored. The requirements are the same for civil cases as for criminal cases.

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It may depend on the wording of the law in your particular state, but generally the answer would be no.

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i dont know why?

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Q: Can a convicted felon serve on a jury in the US?
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A convicted felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms anywhere in the US.

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No. A convicted felon is a convicted felon regardless of WHERE they go or live in the US. Note: Use caution if you're even thinking about it! The federal punishment for felon in possession of a firearm is a minimum of 15 years in federal prison.

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Not necessarily - if your state returned those other two 'rights' to you - - if firearm possession was also included, the documents should say so specifically! Without that SPECIFIC permission you cannot assume your firearms rights were restored. One of the reasons may be: IF you are a convicted FEDERAL felon, you will never regain firarms rights. The US Code currently has no method by which federal felons can regain their firearms rights.

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To serve on a jury Answer 2 But I can serve on a jury and I'm not a US citizen. I'm British and serve on juries in the UK. My bad. Should have said serve on juries in the US.

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In the US, yes, unless you are a convicted felon you retain the right to vote.

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No, not legally. If a felon is deported, then he has no right to return to the US. He will usually be put in immigration lockup for a long period (during which he has pretty much zero rights) and then deported again. He might have to serve the entire length of his original charge as well as face new charges.

Can a felon who has been given clemency possess a gun?

No. Granted 'clemency' or not, you remain convicted of the crime with which you were charged - a convicted felon. It is a federal offense for a convicted felon to ever own or "possess" a firearm (US Code, Title 18).

If an illegal alien is a convicted felon can they stay in the US?

yes they can as along as thet are good boys

How Can a convicted felon restore their rights to firearms in Arziona?

File a petition with the US Attorney for your area.

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The US Senate

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