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The Federal Laws governing firearms do not classify muzzleloaders as a "firearm" , and in most states you can buy one with no paperwork or background check. However that does not make it technically legal for a felon to poses it. I have read of cases pertaining to this where the person was hassled at great expense in time and money by local law enforcement regardless of the intended use, only to be convicted on possession of explosives charges for having black powder. The "best practice" I have heard of is obtaining a waiver from BATFE or your local jurisdiction so you have paper in hand showing proof of legal possession, after all it is not worth your time, money or potential freedom dealing with an over zealous prosecutor or non gun friendly jurisdiction when a simple document could prevent it. This topic has been discussed at length for years both pro and con, and what it boils down to is a case by case determination. You can go to free ( or better yet to the BATF site ( and get a more direct answer for your state and county, but the best advice would be to speak to an authority in your state or to BATFE to be 100% sure.

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In addition to any other restrictions KY may place upon them (if any) convicted felons may NOT hunt with firearms (including black powder firearms).

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Not for using a firearm.

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Q: Can a convicted felon own a bow for hunting in Kentucky?
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Yes you can hunt as a convicted Felon in Connecticut, Here is the answer I got from the CT DEP. A convicted felon can possess archery equipment, therefore he can hunt with a bow and arrow in Connecticut. Proof of a bow hunting certification course must be submitted before an archery permit can be issued. Mark Clavette DEP Wildlife Division

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The Second Amendment of the Constitution does not protect convicted felons.

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Convicted felons are prohibited by most states and the federal govt from possessing firearms, which is the method most commonly used in hunting. However, you may be able to possess something other than a firearm, such as a bow.

Can a convicted felon hunt if he is not on any type of supervision as far as parole or probation?

It is a federal crime for a convicted felon to possess a firearm. I am not sure if you can bowhunt. Hunting with or possession of a bow or crossbow is a matter of specific state laws. Check the laws specific to the state in which you reside or intend to hunt.

Can a convicted felon hunt with a bow in the state of Kansas?

not any place in the U.S.

Can a convicted felon get a hunting license in Michigan?

Yes you can but be remind that a felon can not be in possecion of a firearm .so that limits you to cross and bow and arrow.If you get caught hunting with firearm you will be charged with another felony with a 3 year manatory sentence.

Can a convicted felon that's no longer on paper bow hunt?

Bows are not considered firearms .Felons can bowhunt

Can a convicted felon own a gun or bow for hunting in Wisconsin 2009?

Have you petitioned the court to have your firearm owning privileges restored? ALSO - Federal Law (USC, Title 18) bars convicted felons from possessing firearms - the penalty for which is imprisonment in a federal penitentiary for up to 15 years.