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Yes, a bow is not considered a firearm in the state of Wisconsin. In the state hunting manual it says that a felon may still hunt with an air rifle, bow or crossbow(65+ years old or disabled).

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14y ago

The Federal Laws governing firearms do not classify muzzleloaders as a "firearm" , and in most states you can buy one with no paperwork or background check. However that does not make it technically legal for a felon to poses it. I have read of cases pertaining to this where the person was hassled at great expense in time and money by local law enforcement regardless of the intended use, only to be convicted on possession of explosives charges for having black powder. The "best practice" I have heard of is obtaining a waiver from BATFE or your local jurisdiction so you have paper in hand showing proof of legal possession, after all it is not worth your time, money or potential freedom dealing with an over zealous prosecutor or non gun friendly jurisdiction when a simple document could prevent it. This topic has been discussed at length for years both pro and con, and what it boils down to is a case by case determination. You can go to free ( or better yet to the BATF site ( and get a more direct answer for your state and county, but the best advice would be to speak to an authority in your state or to BATFE to be 100% sure.

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12y ago

In general, it depends on the county and town/village/city you live in. According to the state, a black powder weapon is not considered a dangerous firearm and you don't need permits to buy or sell them.

Unfortunately, on a county or city level, there may be more strict definitions on those weapons than what the state has outlined. You can argue semantics with the police all you want, but if the town you live in calls black powder guns as firearms, you go to jail. What you need to do is to get a local judge to sign a writ declaring ot legal for you to own and use such a weapon. You better have a good reason too, such as "Hunting and trading meat and fur is how I make a portion of my income and you will deny me my occupation by not allowing me this concession." You should also point out the allowance as per STATE law. If you are lucky, the Judge will sign off and you will be set. A local judge can waive local statutes in favor of higher state definitions.

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Q: Can a convicted felon own a black powder firearm in Wisconsin?
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If he was convicted in state court - not without having his record expunged by the state of AZ - If he is a felon convicted in a FEDERAL court he can never be eligible to own or possess a firearm including black powder weapons.

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Am unfamiliar with which of the states MAY allow this, but I can tell you that the FEDERAL LAW (USC Title 18) governing convicted felons and firearms possession specifically names and describes black powder arms as firearms - which are prohibited to convicted felons.

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A hunting license, yes. But NOT a firearm or black powder weapon.

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any part of a gun WITHOUT a receiver is not considereda gun

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Previous answer removed. While it is true that under FEDERAL law a gun that uses loose powder and ball is not considered a firearm, the same is not true to Georgia State Law. The Georgia Criminal code does not exclude antique firearms when it defines firearm. Georgia Code - Crimes and Offenses - Title 16, Section 16-11-133 Bottom line- a convicted felon in Georgia may NOT possess a black powder rifle.

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Felon = Federally prohibited from possessing a firearm. It is considered illegal in every state for a convicted felon to be in possession of a firearm. By definition, a firearm is a weapon that is designed to expel a projectile by the action of smokeless or black powder. A felony firearm charge can also be brought against convicted felon who is found in possession of a firearm, regardless of the intended or actual use of the weapon. The offense level for this type of felony firearm crime also varies by state but is greater when the gun is loaded, kept or used unlawfully. The laws governing the penalties for felony firearm crimes vary by state and the specific circumstances of the crime. A person can also be charged in a felony firearm case when they knowingly purchase a firearm for a felon, an offense called "straw" purchasing. It is also a felony firearm crime to purchase, or otherwise handle, a firearm with the intent of furnishing it to a convicted felon.

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Upon installing the cylinder you have, according to the law (or at least the ATF), manufactured a firearm. So the simple answer is "No". It is not legal for a felon to own a firearm (gun) and once you install a conversion cylinder that pistol is no longer a "non-gun" black powder pistol.

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Yes it is concealed, but not illegal because black powder firearms are not considered a "firearm".

Can a convicted felon own a flare gun in Florida?

A "flare gun" while not normally considered to be a "firearm" of choice, IS, in fact, a firearm because it uses an explosive charge to fire and launch the flare projectile. At short range this could be a deadly weapon! Therefore, it IS a firearm under the meaning of USC Title 18, and its possession is prohibited to convicted felons.

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What powder is the only powder used in a muzzle loader?

Black powder, or a black powder substitute such as Pyrodex. Smokeless powder (modern gun powder) should not be used in a traditional muzzle loading firearm.