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For a PARDON, you must apply to the Governor's Office of the state in which you were convicted.

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A felon cannot practice law in Illinois or in any other state. Lawyers need to have good character and be able to prove it to be licensed by the board.

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Q: Can a convicted felon in Illinois be pardoned?
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Can a convicted felon who has been pardoned gain right to posse a handgun?

No. A "pardon" means that only his sentence has been pardoned. it does NOT mean that his crime or offense is wiped clean. He is still a convicted felon, just as if he had served the full term of his sentence in prison. As a convicted felon he may never own, or be in possession of, firearms.

Can a convicted felon own a firearm for hunting in Illinois?


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Why can't you get a barber license in Illinois if you are a convicted felon?

Because no one wants a felon around them with sharp objects!

When can a convicted felon own a firearm after they finish their probation?

Never, unless their conviction gets overturned - not expunged, not pardoned, but actually overturned.

Can a felon who has been given clemency possess a gun?

No. Granted 'clemency' or not, you remain convicted of the crime with which you were charged - a convicted felon. It is a federal offense for a convicted felon to ever own or "possess" a firearm (US Code, Title 18).

How can a felon get pardoned to possess a firearm?

Being pardoned does not allow a felon to possess a firearm. Only an overturning of the conviction can do that.

Can a convicted felon be a car owner in Nascar?

Yes. Rick Hendrick pled guilty to mail fraud in 1997. He was later pardoned by President Bill Clinton.

What president pardoned Waylon Jennings?

Waylon was never convicted of a crime to be pardoned for.

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How come Elliott Abrams a convicted felon works for the executive branch of your government?

He is not a felon- he was only convicted of two misdemeanors of withholding information from Congress. He was appointed by the first President Bush, which was a controversial move at the time. Later, he was pardoned as Bush was leaving office. He didn't even serve any jail time.

Can a felon in Illinois own a BB gun?

This would only be possible if you were convicted of a state felony by a state court.If you were convicted of a FEDERAL felony offense, a state governor cannot pardon a federal conviction.Also: If your firearm rights are restored by the state, you will be able to carry within that state only. Even though pardoned by Illinois, as far as federal law is concerned, you are still considered a convicted felon. If you should be in possession outside Illinois, you are subject to prosecution not only under the law of the state in which you are arrested, but by the feds as well.Additional information: It is well known that a state Governor cannot pardon a federal felony, however when a state governor pardons a state felony the person pardoned has their rights restored and those rights are nationwide. A pardon removes all records and is the same as if it did not happen. Once pardoned a person can vote anyplace in the USA as well as own a firearm anyplace in the USA. Even though you are pardoned in Illinois you are still required to have a FOID card (Firearm owners identification device. A FOID card does not allow you to carry a weapon unless you are a licensed hunter and in an approved area for hunting. Some states have open carry, (IL is not one of them) and in those states you can legally own and carry a firearm once you have been pardoned by a state governor. In some states you can apply for and receive a CCW (concealed carry permit) Illinois is not one of them and the only state that does not issue a CCW. After a pardon from the Governor In Illinois your rights are restored nationwide and you can acquire a CCW permit in any other state except Illinois.