Probably not. But check for state and county laws just in case.
I yes in pa at least I am a felon and my parole officer allowed me to own a bow while i was on parole it is not a firearm so you can have it however i suggest checking local laws for example a flintlock gun is legal for me to have by the feds because it does not use modern ammunition but pa restricts it so it varies state to state
I checked with the sate attorney gen they had no answers. also called the Ohio dept of Natural Resources. it is possible for a convicted felon to hunt deer in Ohio provided only Archery equipment is used no flintlocks/muzzle loaders or any other dangerous ordinance. this will vary state by state .. but ! check with your attorney and court records if the judge might or may have put a disability on archery equipment as well. this will vary case by case depending the nature of the felony charge....
Yes, by all means. A bow is not a firearm. Now, that being said, if you are under obligation to a probation or parole owning or even having in your possession any type of weapon could be a violation so you better also check with P&P before getting into trouble. If you have completed your obligations then you are fine.
A crossbow may categorize differently and be considered a firearm so check to make sure.
Good luck...been there and the sun will shine for you again.
Yes you can I personally spoke with the Oklahoma department of game and fish it is legal for a felon to hunt with archery equipment in the state of Oklahoma that is defined as a long bow,compound,and a cross bow witch is now legal nation wide without a special permit the only thing to remember is you as a felon are not allowed to enter a sporting goods store that sells fire arms as well as archery equipment meaning it has to be an archery store not both for example bass pro or h&h archery and guns
Yes you can go hunting in Illinois if your a felon. I have a friend that is a convicted felon and he has been hunting with a bow for 2 years now. If you were not allowed to he would not of been issued a hunting license and permits when he went to purchase them. They run your name, address, social security so if there was a problem it would have stopped him. So yes you can hunt in illinois if your a felon with a bow & arrow. You just cant do it with a Gun.
Yes, in the state of Arkansas a felon can use any blackpowder gun as they are considered a primitive weapon.
Not with a firearm.
This is what I was told by a federal game warden it is not illegal for a felon to hunt with a black powder gun or a standard bow. A crossbow is illegal. A crossbow, shotgun, rifle, or any handgun it is illegal for a felon to possess.
can a convicted felon hunt deer with a bow or a gun
It is a federal crime for a convicted felon to possess a firearm. I am not sure if you can bowhunt. Hunting with or possession of a bow or crossbow is a matter of specific state laws. Check the laws specific to the state in which you reside or intend to hunt.
yes but not any kind of firearm
In the U.S. a convicted felon may not own or posses a gun.
The Second Amendment of the Constitution does not protect convicted felons.
Yes you can hunt as a convicted Felon in Connecticut, Here is the answer I got from the CT DEP. A convicted felon can possess archery equipment, therefore he can hunt with a bow and arrow in Connecticut. Proof of a bow hunting certification course must be submitted before an archery permit can be issued. Mark Clavette DEP Wildlife Division
An ex-convict and an ex-felon are not the same thing. An ex-felon is someone who was convicted of a felony, but the conviction was later overturned - thus, they are no longer a felon. An ex-convict is someone who was convicted, sentenced, and has completed their sentence - if they were convicted of a felony, then they remain a felon.Both may hunt in North Carolina. However, an ex-con convicted of a felony charge may not do so with a firearm.
not any place in the U.S.