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This is a good question and it has more questions layered within it that you probably didn't realize. An article that will help you with this question was written on the Lien Blog, and you can read it in the related link for further information.

Can A Contractor File A Mechanics Lien If They Didn't Finish The Work?

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Q: Can a contractor file a mechanics lien if he did not complete the contracted work?
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Can a subcontractor file a lien if he contracted with a general contractor?

Yes--but there are specific pre-construction notices that must be given, so see a real estate attorney in your area for details on your state's laws.

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No, you cannot file against the contractor if you carry a ghost policy as a sub. The only way to file against the contractor is via a worker's compensation claim.

How do you file a mechanics lien in Mississippi?

To file a mechanics lien in Mississippi one will need to go to the courthouse and file the paperwork. An attorney can be hired to file all the paperwork for you.

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How do you file a mechanics lien in Illinois?

Try the link below for filing a mechanics lien in Illinois.

How do you put a mechanic's lien on a motorcycle?

You don't. A Mechanic's Lien is a legal instrument that can be used by a contractor, business or person who has made improvements to real property. For example, a company installs windows in a house and the homeowner who contracted the service does not pay the bill, the contractor can then file a Mechanic's Lien against the property where the windows were installed by recording the lien in the land recorder's office in the county where the property is located. That is actually not true. A mechanics lien is a lien that can be put on any type of vehicle due to an unpaid bill for the services that you receive. For instance, if you take your vehicle to a shop and then fail to pay them, they can put a mechanics lien on it until the balance and services are paid for in full. That is why it is called a "mechanics" lien. If you are not a licensed mechanic, you cannot put a mechanics lien on anything. However, you can go to your local county courthouse to file a standard lien.

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You are required as an independent contractor to:

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Can the auto repair shop repo my car for unpaid repairs if they do not file a mechanics lien in tx?

YES IF you signed a payment agreementThey have to file a Mechanics lien if they do not have a signed agreement.

Can you File Mechanics Lien for unpaid auto repairs in PA?

No, you need to file a repairmans lien.

Can a property owner file a lien against a contractor?

depends on your state, but usually mechanics liens are for private citizens, you need to file a claim against a City entity (call them get a form), then if they reject/deny your claim you have to file a law suit. If you are a contractor its a particular form and you have to file to enforce it (i.e. they owe you money for a job you performed). What's your beef? There are cetain civil codes and code of civil procedure youn need to follow, you can go to a law library, or ask for legal help on line.