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Generally, no, but their parents or guardian (if the parents refuse) can do it for them.

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Q: Can a child under 18 sue someone for taking credit for them?
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Can you get tax credit for a child under 2 months?


Do you get more money for a younger child when claiming taxs?

When you claim a child that is under 17 maybe. You may qualify for the Child Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax credit. Also if you pay for child care you may qualify for The Child and Dependant Care Credit.

Can daycare be used as a tax deduction?

No, taking care of yourself and family are personal expenses paid with after tax money. I agree, but you could be eligible for a child tax credit: A taxpayer who has a dependent child under age 17 probably qualifies for the child tax credit. This credit, which can be as much as $1,000 per eligible child, is in addition to the regular $3,500 exemption claimed for each dependent. A change in the way the credit is figured means that more low- and moderate-income families will qualify for the full credit on their 2008 returns. The child tax credit is not the same as the child care credit. Details on figuring and claiming the child tax credit can be found in IRS Publication 972 (PDF format).

Is it illegal to use your child's credit?

Since when can a child have credit? They need a steady job in order to apply for credit. And Mom would have to sign for that, if the child is under the age of in fact Mom is responsible to pay the bill if the child defaults on payments. Basically it is Mom's credit card.

Is there a tax credit for people who have a health insurance in 2014?

If you have children under the age of 17 you will get the child tax credit, but as of this time they have not said there would be a credit for health.

How does one apply for family tax credit?

The child tax credit is available for families with children under the age of 17 and is worth $1000. In order to claim the tax credit the taxpayer must be able to claim the child as a dependent.

What does a person who is a minor?

Someone who is under the age of majority. A child.

What is someone under the age of 12 called?

its called a child::::

What does a person who is a minor mean?

Someone who is under the age of majority. A child.

When letting someone taking the blame you say I'm going to throw you under....what's the rest?

The phrase you are thinking of is "throw someone under the bus."

To deprive someone of liberty by taking them into custody under lawful authority?


Is it legal for a step parent to strike a step child?

No, it is not legal for anyone to strike a child under the age of 18. You can be charged with child abuse or cruelty to a child if you strike someone under 18 years old.