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Eighteen is the age of majority for such decisions, but one needs to fully understand that decision. If it's to go live with the other parent, than it still needs court approval, but going to live with friends, or alone needs to be clearly thought out. It's not the age that makes you an adult.
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Q: Can a child leave a custodial parents house when they are eighteen in Ohio?
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Related questions

How old does a child have to be to say if she wants to go over the non custodial parents house?

I believe the age is 13

Can a 16 yr old decide to move from her custodial parents house to her non custodial parents?

No, that is up to the parents to decide.

What is good about eighteen?

you can move out of your parents house=]

What is the age in Florida that you can move out of parents house?


Child sleep over the non-custodial parents house with visitors spending the night?

Totally legal unless your custody agreement says otherwise.

If the custodial parent kicks the child out of the house what rights do the non-custodial parent have?

They need to file for custody

If non-custodial parent and custodial parent reconcile and move into the same house together with child can the non-custodial be determined custodial and have child support order removed?

No, you file to have the custody and support order set aside.

In New York if a child is kicked out of the custodial parent's house and now lives with the non-custodial parent in Pennsylvania does the non-custodial parent still have to pay child support?

Yes until a modification is approved.

Do you have to have consent from both parents to house a minor?

Yes. if the custodial parent can not take care of the minor the non-custodial have first dibs.

If a child is 18 and wants to move out of the house due to abuse do the parents have any say about this?

At 18, you are considered a legal adult and emancipated from your parents. you are free to do as you like. no your an adult they can't say a word your eighteen

Can a girl who is turning eighteen move out of her parents' house without emancipation?


Can a custodial parent get more child support when their teenage children choose not to visit their non-custodial parent?

No, visitation and child support are 2 separate entities. The only way this would affect your support amount is if you are set up with 50-50 custody and the child stops going to the other parents house and you take them to court to get primary custody.