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No, once a bankruptcy is dismissed it has to be refiled after the time limit has expired. The time limit to refile after a chapter 13 dismissal is two years.

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Yes, if chapter 13 of any individual has been dismissed, the individual can be able to appeal. The right to appeal is a constitutional right that is will provided for in the constitution.

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Q: Can a chapter 13 bankruptcy that has been dismissed be discharged?
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What year did the law change for bankruptcy on your credit report for 10 years?

The time limit for a discharged chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy to remain on a credit report has always been 10 years. A dismissed chapter 7 wil remain 10 years, a dismissed chapter 13 will remain 7 years.

Can you refile chapter 13 bankruptcy under the new bankruptcy law after your case was dismissed to avoid foreclosure?

A chapter 13 can be filed if it has been at least two years from the date the first filing was dismissed.

Whats the difference between discharged and dismissed?

In very simple terms, discharged means the BK filing was found valid, and the bankruptcy has been granted. Dismissed means that there was/were (an) error(s) of some sort in the filing and the BK has been disallowed. .

I have just been discharged in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy what does that mean?

The case, that you asked for, has been completed and resolved.

In South Carolina when can a chapter 7 bankruptcy be filed after a chapter 13 has been dismissed?

Two years after the date of the chapter 13 dismissal.

Is a Chapter 7 bankruptcy considered final after the meeting of the creditors has been held?

It's final after the BK has actually been discharged.

Can a collection Agency collect a debt after a chapter 7 in Tennessee if it was accidentally omitted?

Any debt that was omitted from the Chapter 7 can be collected after the discharge of the bankruptcy. If the bankruptcy has not been discharged, you may sitll be able to add it to the list of debts. If however the stay has been lifted (the bankrutcy is discharged) then there is no protections and you are vulnerable.

If you are in bankruptcy can you still purchase a new or used car?

If it is chapter 7 and has not been discharged then, no. If it is a chapter 13 then the bankruptcy filer would need the permissin of the trustee to make any major financial transactions.

If bankruptcy has been dismissed can you file again?

If bankruptcy has been dismissed it is possible to file again. The trustee will require an explanation of why the first case was dismissed before accepting a new bankruptcy case.

What does it mean when someone is told that their Chapter 7 has been discharged but is awaiting closing?

That the final paperwork has yet to be completed. Not that the BK has been dismissed or there are any problems.

What is the difference between a discharged or dismissed chapter 7 bankruptcy?

A discharged bankruptcy indicates the filing was found valid, approved and executed. The debtor is no longer obligated for those debts that were included in the bankruptcy. A dismissed bankruptcy indicates the BK was found to be invalid. It could the result of missing documentation, misrepresentation of facts and so forth. An important factor could be if the bankruptcy is dismissed with prejudice or simply dismissed.

If you had bankruptcy in 2004 can you file for bankruptcy again?

Some strict limitations have been set by the new bankruptcy law. Debtors will not be able to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy if they've been through a Chapter 7 within eight years of the new filing. If they want to file for Chapter 13, they will not receive a discharge within two years of a previous Chapter 13 discharge and within four years if they were discharged from a Chapter 7, 11 or 12 bankruptcy.