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Yes. he is still a minor and is not allowed to decide for himself. If the parents agree to it the court order can be changed in the court where it was issued.

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Q: Can a 17 year old be forced to visit a parent in the State of Washington again their will?
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yes there are farms but there not in the city they will probably be around it if you are talking about Washington DC. if you are talking about Washington the state than yes there but not in the city's for example Seattle again not in the city's around them but yes there are farms in Washington.

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File a motion to amend your custody agreement. State that neither parent can move more than __ miles from the other parent and if they do, they have to provide ALL transportation of the minor children to and from visitation.

Where can you go swing dancing in Washington State?

Don't know why the last person put in that suggestion, guess they got Washington DC and Washington State mixed up again. Washington is a big state, six hours from one end to the other, and most of the dancing ON one end or the other. It's usually either near Seattle or Spokane. I would suggest looking at for some ideas. Best of luck!

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You can as you also need to take some classes to get recertified even in the same sate.

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She certainly sold most of them. She was forced by lack of money to sell the plantation. She then moved to Washington and became something of a hostess again. She may have kept a household slave or two.

What two other states considered the name Washington but decided against it?

Well. The states that became states after Washington probably did not. Washington became a state in 1889. Find a list of states by date of statehood. please do not delete my answer again. just ignore if it doesn't make you happy.

If you forget your parent account password on barbiegirlscom how do we find it out again?

You could ask your parent. That would be the smart thing.

How many times has Washington state's constitution been amended?

The state of Ohio's constitution has been amended approximately three times. It was amended in 1802, 1851, and again in 1912.

If one parent signs the rights over to the other parent can the rightless parent be arrested for seeing the child again?

Signing over custodial rights does not mean the non-custodial parent is not permitted to see the child ever again. It simply means one parent will make the legal decisions for and regarding the child. The custodial parent can certainly deny the non-custodial visitation, but the court would rather see each parent active in the child's life if at all possible. As for arrest, you can only be arrested for violating a law or a restraining order. This is general information and not legal advice, laws vary by state, please consult a local attorney regarding local laws.