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Well that just depends on the laws of that state. Here in Georgia you can move out at 16 as long as you are not in school.

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Q: Can a 16 year old move out of her father that has full custody of hers house and in to her mothers house?
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Can a divorced child move from their mothers house if they are being mentally abused?

YES! not all mothers should be granted full custody of their children!

Can a mother and her boyfriend or husband file for full custody of the mothers children together that you share joint custody with your exhusband who is the childrens father?

Boyfriend or husband (unless he is the biological father) has no legal right to the child at all. The mother can try to go for full custody though.

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Sole even if he was still shacking up with you

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Can the mother go to the father house and get her child if there isn't a court order saying that the dad has full custody?

No, the mother is no more entitled to custody than the father. If the father currently has temporary or implied custody, then a custody order must first be established before you can get partial custody or visitation rights. For example, if you moved out and left the child in the care of the father, you forfeited your custody rights until an official custody order has been established.

Can a mother with joint custody give child to somebody else other than father?

No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.

What is the time frame for child abandonment so father can gain full custody?

A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

When a child is born and the father is not there or never comes around does that mean you have full custody?

That does not mean you have full custody. Even though the father is not around you should still go for full custody. Theres always that chance the father could back around and that child is not with you he has just as much right to that child as you do.

Can a child's father get full custody if the mothers boyfriend has drug history?

probably so.... appear calm and responsible when in the court room- make it evident you love and care about your kid. good luck :)

Can a father take baby when mother has full custody?

Not legally. Father can be charged with kidnapping.

What if you had full physical custody of your child and then the father files for custody due to child being overweight?

If at the custody hearing, the judge believes that you are the cause of the child's overweight problem, the father could very well win full custody. If you can afford it, hire a lawyer to argue for your side.

If a father gave full custody of the children to the mother on their divorce papers what right does the father still have to see his children or share custody?

You have the visitation rights that were established in the divorce, and you have no custody rights.