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You have to be at least 16 in order the petition for emancipation in Washington state and you have to meet all the requirements in order for it to be granted. Emancipation is rarely granted in any state.

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17y ago

No, you must be at least 16 to apply for emancipation in Washington state.

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Are you emancipated in Washington state after having a baby?

No, just having a baby doesn't make you emancipated in any state.

How can a teenager move out in Washington state without being emancipated?

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If you are a six teen year old mother of two and you are a dependent of the state can you get emancipated in the state Washington?

If you are a dependent of the state, you don't meet the basic requirement for emancipation which is that you can support yourself.

What is the statutes of limitations on arrears child support in the State of Washington?

The statute of limitations for arrears of child support in the state of Washington is ten years after the payment is delinquent. In the case that a minor is emancipated, the statute of limitations is ten years after the emancipation.Ê

What is the legal age of a minor when a parent is no longer responsible in Washington State?

In Washington State, a minor is considered emancipated at the age of 18. At that point, the parent is no longer legally responsible for the child.

How old do you have to be to rent a car in Washington state?

Im pretty sure it's the age that your aloud to ge tout of schol leaglly

When can a minor be emancipated?

A minor can be emancipated typically when they are financially self-sufficient, living away from their parents or legal guardians, and can demonstrate the ability to make responsible decisions. Emancipation laws vary by state and country, so it's important to consult local legal resources for specific criteria and processes.

Can you leave the state when emancipated?

Once you are emancipated, you are an adult. You can go where you wish.

Do you have the right to give sexual consent for yourself as a 16-year-old emancipated minor in Washington?

In Washington, emancipated minors can make their own decisions regarding certain legal matters, including obtaining medical care and signing contracts. However, the age of consent for sexual activity in Washington is 16, regardless of emancipation status. It is important to understand the laws and rights pertaining to sexual consent in your state.

If emancipated can you get married in the state of missouri?

If you are emancipated, and at least 16, yes you can get married. Marriage is another way of getting emancipated.

Can you move out of your parents house at the age of 17 without their consent and without emancipation in the state of Washington?

In the state of Washington, you are not legally allowed to move out of your parents' house without their consent until you turn 18, unless you get emancipated by a court order. Emancipation gives you legal independence, allowing you to live on your own before reaching the age of majority.