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no, unless the judgment also allows interest to be figured in, that would be the extent of any extra monies allowed to be garnished. if they took more than they should've it may have been in error. you can contact them to see if they will willingly pay you back the difference, or you can take them to court and ask for interest on the difference of the monies.

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Q: Can Utah tax refund be garnished for more than what is owed?
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What happens when your income tax refund is garnished for debt?

So you were expecting a tax refund from the IRS after you filed a tax return. Insteasd of getting your refund, the IRS sent you a letter saying that your refund was used (garnished) to satisfy your back tax debt. What is going on? This means that you have a back tax liablility with the IRS and the IRS will take your refund to satidfy that debt. If you got your refund check garnished and you were unaware you owed the IRS, you need to take care of this situation fast. The IRS can start enforced collections against you and go as far as garnishment of your pay and levy your bank accounts. You can find out more at

Can a tax refund be garnished even though its the ex spouses income which money was owed?

If you files jointly for that year I think they can hit you both until paid

When income tax is garnished does parent receving child support get entire check?

Yes, if amount owed in back child support is more than the tax refund. Garnishment percentage limits only apply to wages and other period payments. The entire amount of tax refunds can be applied to debts owed.

Can the IRS garnish an income tax refund if money is owed from an audit?

Yes, the IRS can, and will, garnish an income tax refund if money is owed from an audit.

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If you owe the IRS can you still get a refund?

No not if you are in the FMS offset refund program and your expected refund amount is less than the amount that is owed to the IRS.

The bank repossessed your motorcycle what will you still have to pay?

the bank will sell the motorcycle normally at auction what ever it sells for is taken of what is owed and you pay that balance if it makes more then is owed a refund is payed

Is there anyway to stop a tax refund?

Yes, the IRS can intercept your tax refund for back taxes owed; also if you have government student loans that you owe on and also the child support division can intercept you refund for back child support owed.

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Can IRS garnish tax refund for state taxes owed?

Yes if you are in the FMS offset refund tax program.

In what states can your disability check be garnished?

can the state of maryland garnish my government disability check for back taxes owed the state of maryland ?no they cannot, disability or social security cannot be garnished, Except for child support and Federal TAXES.

Can you get an anticipation loan on my tax return if your wages are being garnished?

you can get on but they will take what is owed and send you the rest